Over 5 Therapeutic uses of Clay

Dried clay image by Jose Antonio Alba
Using Clay throughout History
Mother Nature, ever so generous, has given us many things we can use in our daily life.
One of these gifts is the earth we walk on. Clay has been used throughout history by all the different civilizations.
What happened is that this knowledge of natural therapies has been forgotten as modern medicine took its place. Luckily those ancient remedies have been “rediscovered” and nowadays are living a comeback.
We can go back in time some 3000 years and go to Egypt at the time when the pyramids were being built. The doctors of the pharaohs, this information was found written on papyrus, used the yellow earth for healing wounds, inflammation, and other internal issues.
They knew of the purifying and antiseptic properties of clay, and therefore it was also used by the people who mummified the dead.
There is an island in the Aegean Sea called Lemnos. The Greeks would go to collect the clay, which was extremely abundant there. This clay was used in case of burns against the Pest and also for a serpent’s bite.
They even sent this valuable earth to other countries with a seal. A wise Greek with the name Dioscorides wrote in his treaty On Medical Material that clay was being used for abscess and healing of wounds. His work was translated into many languages and into English in 1655.
Also in Rome, clay was known and used. Plinio the Elder writes in his Historia Naturalis a detailed account of it. It came from the hills close to Neapolis, it was dried in the sun and then mixed with wheat. Its use was against infections in the stomach and intestines.
Also in the Bible, there is the mention of clay when Jesus used it to give sight to a blind man.
Explorers worldwide mention its use, which they discovered on their voyages to far-away countries. Like Marco Polo, who mentioned on visiting the holy city of Niabar that people would go outside the city to find this red earth to use for fighting fevers.
Lyall Watson, one of my favorite writers, explains in his book The Omnivorous Ape that in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, and places in Africa the use of clay was widespread.
In Occident, the use of clay was not well known. After the Middle Ages, when the Renaissance came some 200 years later, it was about completely forgotten. At the end of the 19 century, Abbot Kneipp from Germany used clay for curing animals. Archduke Francis Joseph from Austria asked him to heal his sick horses.
In the first World War, the French and also Russian soldiers who suffered from dysentery while being in the trenches were given 200 grams of clay with mustard. There are much more examples of the use of clay and its benefits throughout history.
An informative YouTube video on the benefits of Bentonite Clay.
What makes clay so special?
When it is analyzed under a microscope comes this list of ingredients.
Silica, aluminum oxide, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium, and some magnesium.
Clay has some potent properties. It disinfects in an intelligent way. It goes there in the body where it is needed. It inhibits the spreading of microbes or bacteria and at the same time activates the reconstruction of healthy cells. It has an extreme capacity for absorption and is therefore very efficient in absorbing toxins.
Festering wounds can heal with clay as the bad is absorbed, and the healing is accelerated, leaving much smaller scars. It even seems that clay has the ability to absorb part of the radioactivity which surrounds us.
There is clay with different colors depending on the amount of iron oxide hydrate.
Yellow, red, white, brown, blue, gray, or green. The green variation seems to be the most active one.
One can use it for drinking diluted in water, make a paste for cooling a bruise helping in the healing process of wounds. There is a long list of problems where clay may be helpful.
My experience with clay
In my kitchen window, I have a glass filled with approx 1 cm of green clay and then filled up with water. I try to drink 1 glass a day, afterward; I fill it up with water again.
My cats, who come in for breakfast, have a glass with clay water standing next to their food and they drink it. One should remember that clay should only be in contact with glass or wood and never metal or plastic. This is very important.

My meditation tree
Behind the house, I have a big fishpond with a lovely ancient tree. Underneath the tree is a small stone bench. This quiet place is ideal for relaxing and meditating. From there one can observe the life in the pond. Fish and frogs, snakes who come for the wedding. When they have baby’s that pond is kind of not safe anymore as they go hunting the fish and the frogs.
There also live many generations of turtles, some of them enormous. This all started when I fished 2 small turtles in the small brook nearby and gave them a new home in my fishpond. Just as well as years later, the life in that brook was killed by an urbanization build higher up in the mountains.

Frog in a water-lily pond image by F Richter and S. Hermann
How to help a wounded Frog
It is quite some years ago when I went for a stroll in the afternoon. Arriving at the pond I saw 2 big snakes disputing a frog between them. Each of the snakes had one fang on the frog’s back. Normally I try not to interfere with nature, but this time I did. On coming really close, the snakes “ran” away, and I picked up the wounded frog and took him home.
I put him in my laundry room where there is a big and deep basin which I filled with clay water so it just covered his back. He sat in my clinic for 24 hours and then I took him back to his home.

The little fishpond on the patio
Saving Goldfish
On my patio, I have a small fishpond and whenever I notice a fish who is behaving funny, like floating on its side, I pick it up and put it in a regular fishbowl with clay water also for 24 hours.
The clay will have gone through its entire system and like that has a chance to recover. I have done this often over the years and the success rate is about 50%.
A must-have in your library
The Clay Cure contains complete information on how and when to use clay. The value of minerals contained in the many varieties of clay. It also explains the science and history of ingesting clay.
In nature, animals often use clay. Perhaps you have seen the film The Bear. When the gigantic bear had a shot wound, he rolled in a mud puddle.
Mother Earth has so many gifts we really should be grateful for.
I buy my green clay in powder form in the Health shop and always take care to have a good amount of it in the house for emergencies.
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Source: Wikipedia and My Life
Photo Source: Pixabay and Private Photos
I have loved cats all my life. Perhaps you like to read the following post.
Hi there
Many thanks for posting this interesting and informative article. I had never heard of this phenonomen until now and it makes great reading, for sure.
You definitely have done some great research on this particular topic and who would have thought that ordinary clay soil would have such fantastic theraputic properties.
In my own humble opinion, I would safetly say that we have only discovered a fraction of what natural elements and minerals exist on this earth.
Scientists are still researching and trialling natural cures and ailments that may help the populationand lets hope that they are successful.
Thanks fot this informative post
Cheers PB
Thank you Phil for leaving this nice comment on my clay article. I am very interested in all the gifts of Mother Nature, she beats modern medicine most times and provides cures which normally have no side effects. I try to go back to nature as much as possible but am worried what humans are doing to our planet.
I hope to see you again
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske,
Thanks so much for sharing this article, I love to know more about how nature help us to live better.
I knew the benefits of clay were many and good for us, but your articles shares more benefits I didn’t know about.
How interesting is to discover more ways that can help us to live better and some times the solution for a particular problem is in our back yard.
I didn’t know that we can drink water from a glass where it contains some clay, and I didn’t know clay will help to heal some bruises, this is better that some cream I get from the drug store, and more natural.
Where can I find some clay that I know it’s good and I could drink the water like you say in your article?
I love the photos from your property, thanks again for sharing some views from your lovely patio!
Good afternoon Alejandra,
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Nature is amazing as it provides for all our needs. She provides the foods which are good for our health, clean water and air. If we have an ailment for sure there is help if you turn to nature. Creation is a miraculous setup and if left in peace normally everything functions well.
Humans always want to improve on everything and most of the times it is not a success. We even destroy the environment which is stupid as we all live here. I hope someday we will understand this.
Regards, Taetske
Hello Taetske,
Right of the bat I want to tell You that I’ve really enjoyed reading Your article which I found to be very captivating and informative. I’ve learned a lot of new things today. As far as using clay goes, I have to say I’m very impressed by different purposes and ways there is to use this natural element. Going into this article I wasn’t really familliar with clay and how people use it, and I was quite astounded by the amount of possibilities this element provides for various usages. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that clay has the ability to help recover fish that’s behaving strange and perhaps has some problems with its health. I was also quite positively shocked to learn that You sucessfuly used clay to help wounded frog, great stuff! I love how You used word ”clinic” to describe the place in Your home where frog was getting healed, haha! Had a great laugh with this one 😀 I truly admire Your love for the animals and nature 🙂 I love animals as well and would do the same thing for them if I would see someone in a need for a help.
All in all, thanks for the great article and keep up the great work 😉
Good Morning Evald,
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Living on my farm since 1981 there are many animal stories. I have always had cats and dogs and then, of course, the animals who live here by their own choice. As my farm is organic and my neighbor also has gone organic years ago this place is a safe haven for all kind of animals, insects, and birds. I love to observe nature as one can learn so much. In January all the fishponds are cleaned to prepare for the coming weddings. First the toads, a protected species, then frogs and fish. So you see, never a dull moment.
Regards, Taetske
Jamie Clay
Hi Taetske!
This is very interesting information here. I use clay for my face but I never thought about drinking it. I also find it interesting and it makes so much more sense that the healing properties within the clay has so many benefits to us as humans, given the first man and woman was made out of the clay of the earth. In which all mankind has been reproduced from. Clay has some unique ways to use it. I like that you said it disinfects in an intelligent way. It’s awesome the things God has made available to us here on this earth.
Good Morning Jamie,
Nature provides all we need.We always think we can do and make it better but that is not true We should take better care of our environment so that future generations can also enjoy living on our beautiful planet.
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Regards, Taetske
Did you drink the glass of water with clay? I haven’t heard about that before. Your article is very interesting and informative. I know many uses of clay, but never thought it can be drinking. There is a truth -we don’t use all that the nature has for our benefits- and there is a lot, like clay as you found out. Thank you for this post.
Good Morning Maria,
To drink a glass with clay water might not sound appealing but knowing the good things it does to your inside it is worth a try. Perhaps, in the beginning, you think it does not taste so good but I can assure you after a couple of glasses one gets used to it. Nature has so much to offer, most things have not even been discovered yet, one just has to keep an open mind.
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Regards, Taetske
I absolutely love these natural and alternative therapies that were once the way we looked after our health, but somehow with the advent of modern science, the knowledge has largely been lost. But just because we have modern science and medications now, doesn’t mean that the old methods don’t work. Usually they work so much better than medicines, and certainly without side effects. Thank you for sharing some of the benefits of clay!
Good Morning Josie,
Thank you for your comment. Nice to see you again.
I recently looked at Ty Bollinger’s cancer videos in Asia. There they mix ancient remedies with a little bit of modern medicine. This seems to work much better than what is done in the Western world. I believe nature has an answer to all our ailments. Of course, we also should change the way we eat and live, then we would be a lot healthier.
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske. Thanks for this very interesting article about clay. I really don’t know the therapeutic uses of clay until I have read your post. All I know is that it is used as a building material and for shaping decorative objects. What surprised me most is the clay water that can treat injured animals. I’m so amazed of its therapeutic uses and probably will have it in my home. Thanks again for this helpful info. All the best!
Good Morning Lanie,
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I personally love natural things and whenever possible use them. It has happened a couple of times that I was injured and what the doctor did was no good so I switched over to using clay, Aloe Vera, etc. The outcome was always good.
Regards, Taetske
In my opinion there is often a natural alternative to the heavily marketed pharmaceuticals that are on offer these days. The benefits of certain clays have long been known and celebrated throughout the ages till now. In my opinion, its important to first check the chemical composition of the clay as one cannot just use anything and then also to experiment with small amounts to start with to see what works and what doesn’t.
Animals like your cats will drink the water with clay in it if is has the chemicals and minerals in it that they need, so why not us.Thanks for a great article.
Good Morning Rich,
Humans always want to improve on nature and the results are often not good. Big Pharma cannot earn money with natural things as they cannot patent it. I buy my clay in a trusted health shop and have been using it for more than 30 years. My experience with clay has only been positive that is why I recommend it.
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Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske, this information about clay is awesome. Yes, I have read about the man in the bible who was healed by Jesus putting clay on his blind eyes. I also saw my grandmother cook with clay pots. I never knew clay had some amazing things it did like healing snake bites and wounds. I would really like to try out the clay water drink.
Good Morning Juliet,
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As I said in my post I have a glass of clay water standing in the kitchen. I try to drink 1 glass a day if I remember. My experience has been always positive during the 30 years I have been using it. Nature provides great solutions to our problems.
Regards, Taetske
Wow that is a such an interesting article. I never knew all the great healing properties of clay. I didn’t know you can ingest it too. I see a lot of women at salons putting on clay masks all the time. I guess it has a real affect on healing the skin. I like the story of the frog and fish that you healed with clay water. Speaking of nature, animals wallowing in mud actually helps them heal is something new that I learned. I had a question why can’t you put clay in metal or plastic?
Good Morning Ron,
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I am always very happy when I can save a little life like a frog or goldfish. On my organic farm, I love to look at what is happening in nature.
The reason why clay should not come in contact with metal or plastic is that it causes a chemical reaction which would diminish the healing power of the clay.
Did you by chance see that great film The Bear? He is wounded as hunters shot at him. He goes to a mud puddle to heal.
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske,
Wow! What an excellent article you have written with lots of important information about “Helpful Clay And The Unique Ways To Use It”
First of all, thank you very much for sharing this beneficial article with us.Really.I like the article very much. It was very interesting to read. Clay is an important element of our earth. After reading your article I have learned something new. The most interesting thing is that we can drink Clay with a glass of water and really I didn’t know about this before.
I have learned all the necessary information about this topic that you have mentioned in your article very nicely. I think these tips will be very helpful for people. I will share this great article with my friends and relatives so that they can take the benefits from this.
Good Morning Shakil,
Nice to hear you find my post on Clay interesting and helpful. I always prefer to use a natural solution to a problem if possible. In the more than 30 years my experience with clay has been very positive.
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Regards, Taetske
It was really interesting to read about the history of clay and the uses during the earlier years. I never knew that clay had so many incredible healing properties and could be used to disinfect and could absorb toxins. Amazing how you could save the frog after he spent time in the mud “treatment”.
It is indeed amazing what mother nature has given us and we should look after it.
Good Morning Line,
It is nice to hear you found my story interesting. I have been using clay for many years and got some good results.
The history of clay shows it has been used for thousands of years, and the modern human would do well to find most cures in nature. No chemicals and normally no side effects either.
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Regards, Taetske
I have really enjoyed reading your article and I will now follow you and your website.
Whilst I believe in our natural habitat and all that mother nature gives us is good for you I never ever thought about clay being of benefit. I appreciate so many cultures use clay but never thought it has been used for over 3000 years.
As I was reading your article I began to think about clay pots and those people who use clay on their faces and I started to really understand how clay could be of such a benefit.
I especially enjoyed reading about the wounded frog which is truly astonishing.
You have mentioned about green clay which I had not heard of previously so I am going to have a look to get some myself based on your recommendations.
Can I ask if you should start on a low dosage and build up slowly?
Thank you for sharing
Good Morning Imelda,
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If you put 1 cm of clay in a glass and fill it up with water, you wait a while till it has settled. When you then drink the water it is rather diluted, so not very strong. I do not think one glass a day will cause any problem. At the moment there is a heat wave in Spain so I might drink 2 or 3 glasses. Personally, I have never noted any negative effect.
It is good that old remedies that were kind of forgotten now have a comeback. Clay as a detox is excellent, as sadly we are normally full of accumulated toxins.
I am happy when I am able to help a small animal, it makes my day.
Regards, Taetske