by Taetske | 4:22 pm

Mother Earth Supports Humanity With Her Gifts

  Mother Earth cares for all of us but we have not discovered a fraction of all her gifts     According to scientists, she is 4.543 billion years old. They might be of

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by Taetske | 11:47 am

The Surprising Health Benefits of Edible Flowers

  Have you heard about edible flowers?   I have to tell you the truth I knew little about this subject. Therefore, I was happy to come across an article which talked about edible

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by Taetske | 10:33 am

The Good Years With Cindy, My Lovely Rottweiler Lady

  Lovely Cindy, the kindest dog in my life     Cindy, at the age of 12 and a half years, has left. She has gone to dog heaven where bones are big and

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by Taetske | 7:31 pm

Cats, My Love for these Amazing Animals

  My life with cats starting in Australia     Why cats are important in my Life Since I remember, cats have formed part of my life. I was born in Australia in 1950.

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by Taetske | 4:09 pm

Lovely Stories on the Buddha, Snails, and a Spider

  The Buddha, a lot of snails, and a spider     The story of Prins Siddhartha Gautama When I was a small girl living in Holland, my Mother told me about world religions.

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by Taetske | 3:50 pm

Unusual Nature Observations in the South of Spain

  What you can learn by observing Nature   I have lived in my now 190-year-old farmhouse since 1981 and as it was a ruin when I bought it nature was really wild in

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by Taetske | 12:32 pm

An Amazing Healing Plant for Daily Life

  Aloe Vera, your Ally, and Friend     Aloe Vera or Aloe Barbadensis is a gift from Mother Nature. It seems to be forgotten by most people, but nature provides for all our

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by Taetske | 10:55 am

The World and its Love/Hate relationship with Cannabis

  The History of Cannabis through the Ages     Cannabis has an ancient history starting some 10.000 years ago. When one investigates a bit it will soon become evident that one can find the

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by Taetske | 2:55 pm

The Positive Influence of the Moon Phases

  The influence the Moon has on all Living Things   Long ago humans lived in harmony with the different rhythms of nature, this was important to guaranty their survival. They adapted to the

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by Taetske | 1:57 pm

Helpful Clay and the Unique Ways to Use It

  Over 5 Therapeutic uses of Clay     Using Clay throughout History Mother Nature, ever so generous, has given us many things we can use in our daily life. One of these gifts

1486 words ()
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