Lovely Cindy, the kindest dog in my life

Azucenas on the patio
Cindy, at the age of 12 and a half years, has left. She has gone to dog heaven where bones are big and earth is loose, ideal to dig holes in. She has been the kindest dog I spent many years of my life with. I would like to tell you her story.

Behind the patio
My Spanish Farm
Zahor, my previous dog had died, and as I live on a farm one needs a dog. It is only to be warned that somebody is coming for the rest of the day all my dogs would do what they want. During daytime that is mainly sleeping and at night time make her rounds on the property and now and then talk to the other dogs living in the neighborhood. A couple of quick barks, all is ok here.

Cindy on the patio
Meeting Cindy
In January 2007, I decided to go to AAA, a dog shelter close to Marbella on the Costa del Sol. On arrival, I was met with a concert. Over 100 boys, paws on the fence, they were asking, can you take me home? It was heartbreaking, but I had decided I wanted a girl
Boys are handsful as I had especially noticed with Zahor. He loved to escape and if necessary dig himself out under the fence. My neighbor Christina had 4 lovely girls Zahor wanted to visit.
Once my neighbor got cross with me. She had wanted to have babies from her water dog, but Zahor was there before. Her dog got the morning-after pill. That was the time I decided Zahor needed an operation, he was 6 years old at that time.
He never minded being operated on and continued his naughty behavior, but at least it had no consequences.
I bought a nice bed for Cindy, which she nearly enjoyed for a full year. Your pet will appreciate your gift, I am sure.
I asked the people at AAA if they had girls and was told there were only 3. I suddenly saw a big dog, Rottweiler, not my favorite. I know there are so many dog races from tiny to small, so it will be possible to find one you like. Those people who like small dogs should have a look at Mini Schnauzers.
Cindy was walking around freely as she was a kind dog. I was told they even allowed her to go where the cats were being treated. That sounded good. When I was then told a couple had taken her home to bring her back, only one week later because she was too nice, I knew I had found my dog.
They had found her in Altos de Marbella, and she had a chip, but they could not trace the owner. She had been operated on, was around 1-year-old and after doing the paperwork I took her home. Perhaps you might think a Rottweiler is too big, so perhaps you care to look at a smaller dog like a Border Terrier.

Wagging tails are so fun
The first 2 weeks at home
Cindy turned out to be a very nervous and sensitive dog. As the property is quite big, I found it better to keep her tied up in the garage. Every day I took her for 3 long walks over the property so she could get acquainted. There was absolutely no problem when she would see one of my cats, all cool.
The second week I let her loose during the day and in the third week, she was free to do as she pleased. It was so exciting the first night when I heard her bark, I could follow the sound. She was making her round on the property, letting everybody know this is a guarded place. She also established barking rituals with the dogs in the neighborhood.
The first time she came into the house, she ran upstairs to my workroom. It was obvious she was used to staircases. We got into the habit that in the evening she would sit with me, watching TV. In wintertime, she would love to ly in front of the small fireplace I have in my workroom. Going to bed, I would let her out with a good night cookie.

Cindy and Sasha best of friends
Getting to know the vet
I have a very nice Spanish vet called Francisco who works together with Antonio, his partner. As Cindy was a big dog, I could not transport her in my small Peugeot Cabrio so Antonio would come to visit. I was told she was not a pureblood Rottweiler, there might be a little Boxer there. In her passport, it states so. She always had good health, so the visits were limited to once a year for the important injections.

Cindy with my cactus collection on the patio
Cindy on the property
In general, she used to not do naughty things like digging holes where it is forbidden. She would love to go for a walk/swim in the big fishpond behind the house. This was especially nice in the warm summers. She was not so fond to get a bath and if she could escape would love to roll in the sand, so I had to rinse her off again.
In 2011 I was away for 22 days, Miguel the gardener told me she had been lying in a flower bed on the patio. That was forbidden. She knew it very well but insisted. When I came back she tried it once more so I told her off and it stopped. Cindy would always follow me in the garden where I would be working, watching from a distance to see what I was doing.
I found out she did not like men. Perhaps she had some terrible experiences in her first year. In her younger years, she would jump the fence to visit the neighboring avocado farms. I know it is said that avocado is not good for dogs, but she ate them whenever she had a chance.
During the avocado season, she would get visibly fatter, and in the morning bringing breakfast, I would find a pile of peels in her bed. Another of her favorites would be the fallen walnuts. One had to go and harvest them from the ground every day, otherwise, she would eat them.

Cindy and Jasmin in my workroom
Cindy and her love for cats
As I said there never was a problem, rather the contrary as she loved cats to bits. When Sasha was abandoned in Oct. 2010 at the age of 4 weeks and came to live here, they stuck up a great friendship. You know how young cats can be. A wagging tail can be so exciting! Cindy stood it with the most placid nature.
When Jasmin was saved from the road in Sept. 2013 the same happened all over again. They would love to cuddle up in front of the fireplace. Whenever the cats had some kind of argument, most of the time not being serious Cindy would watch and interfere when she thought it was enough.
Over the years there have been other cats, mainly tomcats, who would come and visit. Cindy would recognize them as not being family and half heartily chase them.

Cindy looking pretty
Christmas 2015
The years passed by and we both got older. She became used to men, but whenever there came friends to visit, it would take time for her to want to come close enough to be touched. It was just before Christmas when I discovered she had a lump in her armpit.
I consulted Francisco and when Antonio had seen it in situ; I decided not to have her operated on. Francisco said it might be good or bad, but if it stayed like this, it was probably best not to touch it. I started by giving her some special food for her health.
Vit D3 drops, Beer Yeast, Virgin olive oil, CBD drops, coconut oil, and some other things. All this I mixed into a spoon full of cat food and Cindy loved it. I could see she was getting older. She got gray hairs just like me. For a big dog, the age of 10 years is already a lot, and she still wanted to live.
You might ask if it is ok to give CBD to animals. Yes, it is a good idea as animals, the same as humans, will find relief by taking it. If you would like to find out more, then I have a nice website for you. You might even consider selling CBD yourself and have it as a business.
In 2017, in April, I was in contact with Janet, a lady who could do Distant Animal Energy Healing. She said Cindy was in pain and hoped the healing would help her. I did notice Cindy moved more, but some months later she started getting difficulty getting upstairs to my workroom.
I had to walk behind her and with Michael’s help, we would get her upstairs. When it was bedtime we helped her downstairs, taking care she would not slip on the steps.
Antonio came again, and I had some blood tests made. She was anemic and got some fortifying pills and liquids. All this kept her going for some more months, and she still enjoyed her life, was eating and drinking. She got slower and the lump in her armpit had grown, but one could not see much else.

Sunset from the patio
The end is coming closer
The new year started with Cindy getting weaker, she could hardly manage to come upstairs anymore. She wanted to, but it was getting too difficult. There came the day she did not want to move anymore, so we called the vet. Antonio told us to get pain medication and gave her some shots.
This pepped her up quite a bit, so she was getting around again. In April I was on holiday for 2 weeks and Miguel, the gardener, told me everything had been ok.
Then came the time where again she would not want to walk. In the morning I could not find her and had to search for her in the garden. This would also happen when wanting to give her evening cookie. With flashlights, we would search the property being really worried.
It got bad again, and the vet came for some more pain medication. Antonio started saying he thought it would be soon time to let her go. The tumor had probably attacked some organs and that, together with her age, was probably the end.
The pain medication functioned, and she started to walk again. This caused her wrist to swell badly. 2 humid rags, each wrapped around a bottle in the freezer. I would take one, put it around her wrist. Half an hour later, I would squeeze it a bit and tie it again. Sometime later I would put the new one from the freezer.
At midday, I repeated the procedure and once more in the early evening. It definitely helped. In total, 6 wraps, and the next day, the swelling was gone. I knew her end was near, but I did not want to admit it. When you have been together for so many years, gone through good and bad times together it is so hurtful.

Rose from the garden
Cindy’s last day
At the beginning of that week, she was hardly eating anymore and then some days later started to throw up. Francisco told me on the phone he could not do anything anymore. We arranged for Antonio to come Saturday morning. I sat with her that morning, waiting for the vet. She was weak, had not eaten or been drinking.
She looked at me and I am sure she knew what was happening. I said thank you for all the friendship and love she had given me during these many years.
When Antonio came to give her the injection, Michael and I, both held her while she left. She was completely quiet, just like a candle going out. We laid her to rest on the 7th of July 2018 in a nice grave in the garden.
There were times when I lived alone on the farm. It would be so comforting, on coming home, to see her standing on the driveway barking till she would recognize the car. Cindy, you were the kindest dog who spent time with me; I miss you and I love you.
A very complete book
With over 450 breeds, this is a superb reference book. You will get a descriptive text and a brief history of the breed. Two-color photographs. One of the puppies and one of the adult dogs are very helpful. It is the most detailed book up to date currently available. A marvelous book about dogs, a book to keep or give as a present.
I have made a special page for my visitor, you might find something of your interest in Recommendations
Source: My Life
Photo Source: Private
Please read my post on the “Paws” doctor. I am sure you will like it. It is the amazing story of a man who has dedicated his life to helping wounded animals.
20.000 Animals Saved With Amazing Prosthesis Of Doctor Campana
Thank you for sharing your deep love for Cindy, she must have had a marvelous life at your farm, Taetske
Good afternoon Loes,
Thank you for reading about Cindy. She really was a lovely dog with such a good character. I think she had it nice here on the farm, enough space to run around digging holes. Sometimes she would find a stinking left over, perhaps a dead animal, and bring it home, that was less nice. I then had to wash it off as like that I would not let her in the house. It seems like empty here without her.
Regards, Taetske
My dog Pasja liked to roll over dead animals on the beach, it smelled horrible back home in the car:(
Horrible, they like smells we for sure do not like!
Dear Taetske,
What a beautiful story. My heart goes out to you and those you care about – from two to four legs. I am sure Cindy thanks you for all the love and care you gave and I am also sure that her spirit lives on. Be strong. And such great photos, tell Michael he has done a great job.
In love and light,
Good evening Michelle,
Thank you for commenting on my post. I still see her walking in the garden or lying next to me on the carpet in my workroom. This time it was me who made the photos, I especially like the ones with little Sasha. He has grown up to be a naughty big boy. When he was a baby he was adorable. Yes, I miss Cindy, 11 1/2 years together is quite a long time.
Regards, Taetske
Dear Taetske,
Your post is a wonderful tribute to your beautiful Cindy. I understand the sadness you are experiencing through the loss of such a faithful companion.
Over those 11 ½ years the love and care Cindy received from you was something so very special to her.
From your photos it is clear that Cindy’s life with you was happy and relaxed. I love all the photos, and especially the ones with Sasha and with Jasmin.
Kind regards
Thank you so much dear Valerie for your kind words. Yes, it is difficult to accept Cindy is not here anymore. Wherever I go I still see her clearly. I am sure she liked it here and had a lot of dog fun. Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my website.
Regards, Taetske
Giulia Burton
Taetske my friend, I am in flood of tears. Good tears, mind you, as I think I have learned more from your life through your homage and the celebration of Cindy’s life than I have from many other literary sources. I have learned how kind and grave you are – even through grief you managed to remember us, and I must thank you for referring people to my website, who might like Borders. But also kind and grave, for how you nursed the lovely Cindy up to the last moment. As you know, my Indy is not a young boy anymore, he’s 14 and with ailment. And whilst he’s doing relatively well, I’m not kidding myself that, unfortunately, he will not last forever. I worry that I may not be there for him as you have for your Cindy, due to work and to my family commitments both here and in Italy. And, quite selfishly, I worry at how I’m going to cope with his departure.
But I have also learned about what a great kind-hearted dog your girl was. A true gentle giant. And I know that because of the words you shared as she was leaving you: you thanked her for all the love she has given you in all these years.
I am truly so sorry for your loss, Taetske. All my love to both you and Michael xxx
Thank you for your lovely comment dear Giulia, it is very much appreciated. When we see our dear companions are getting older, weaker, and sick it is very difficult to accept. I am sorry to hear about Indy that he is not well. 14 years is a good age, I am sure he is having a great dog life with you. I hope you will be with him when his time comes.
Regards, Taetske
Now I understand why you have been so sad. I am so sorry for your loss. Cindy had a beautiful life because you chose her. I can imagine her roaming your farm and enjoying those avocados and walnuts. Your story brought back wonderful memories of my Shepherd-collie, Newly. He was a male but was also so kind and gentle. The day we lost him was sad also and I think of him so often. In time, your memories of Cindy will bring a smile to you face. May your heart continue to heal.
Good afternoon Debbie,
Thank you for reading the story of Cindy. She really was a lovely dog, pretty on the outside and beautiful inside.
I miss her and find it kind of empty here. The moment I would step out of the door she would be wagging her tail hoping I was going to work in the garden. That is sad you also lost a much-loved dog. Our fur friends can only be with us part of our life.
Regards, Taetske
Mike Lambert
Your story brings back memories of our German shepherd (Sadie) who grew up with our kids and was part of our family. Sadie had a good life and was loved by all, but cancer took hold in her 14th year with us. My wife had to go into the vet with her, I just couldn’t be there, I was a wreck. cognitively Sadie was all there, looking into her eyes all I saw was an alert and loving dog, but her body was in pain and she couldn’t get up anymore. Sadie was a very loved family member and a dear friend. It broke our hearts to have to put her down but we knew it was only out of our own selfishness that we could let her suffering go on any longer. Still hurts to think about losing her, I feel your pain. Thanks for sharing, Mike.
Good Morning Mike,
Thank you for visiting my website and reading my post on Cindy. I am sorry to hear you also lost your dear dog Sadie. The memories of our dear fur friends will always be with us. The memories of happy times together. I still find it difficult to accept she is not here anymore and I still cry but also realize her time had come. Together we went through some difficult times I had in my life, she would be there to comfort me when I was feeling lonely.
Wishing you and your family all the best.
Regards, Taetske
Dear Taetske,
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. Cindy was a lovely dog indeed. Thank you for sharing your lovely story about her life. But as you say she will now be in dog heaven and I am sure she will look down to you and Michael and thank you for the lovely live she had with you. Your story touch my heart deeply. Best wishes Yashmin
Good evening Jasmin,
Thank you for visiting my website and leaving this sweet comment.
I still miss Cindy a lot, it is kind of empty here. Then to hear her barking at night to show me she was taking care of the property. It is very sad but we were together for many happy years.
Regards, Taetske
Dear Taetske, I was crying when I was reading your story, I know very much how it to say goodbye to your beloved dog. You have a good heart and your dear Cindy had the best master in you, I’m sure she knew that!
Good Morning Lenka,
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From the time I still was small there have always been animals in my life. I remember while living in Holland I used to play cowboys and Indians with our cat and dog in the garden. I was a tomboy.
It is now more than 1-year dear Cindy died but I still see her in the garden and can hear her bark. She often feels very close to me.
The same as with people to bond with certain animals can be very strong.
Regards, Taetske
Dear Taetske,
I’m really very sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely Cindy. It is so hard to lose someone you love.
Thank you for sharing the story of her life. She looks so beautiful and kind on the photos. I can understand how much you miss her. I’m sure she is still around somehow, protecting you from another dimension.
All the best,
Good Morning Pernilla,
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Yes, I know dear Cindy is still around. I can see her and also hear her in the garden. To have lived a total of 12 and a half years is a lot for a big dog.
I did not get a new dog which one actually needs on the farm as we think about selling this place. But the selling might take a long time. I do not know what will happen in the future, everything is kind of hanging in the air.
Best wishes to you too.
Regards, Taetske
Dear Taetske,
Thank you for sharing the story of Cindy. I sure understand how difficult it is losing your four-legged friend. This is coming soon to my family. 🙁
Parkie was an assistant dog for my son, now retired. She has been his companion for many years. As my son is our only child, she is the only creature my son is taking care of. Now, that her arthritis got really bad, he helps her walk 3-step stairs to get in and out of the house, gives her pain pills and CBD oil (with our help). He learns to be very gentle with her. Even these days, she still teaches my son love and kindness. That was her main job as an assistant dog.
It’ll be heartbreaking to let her go. Unfortunately, the lifespan of Labrador Retrievers is 12-14 years, and Parkie is already 15 years and 5 months old – a real long-liver.
I definitely understand how you felt losing Cindy and how much you miss her now. The photos of her are lovely.
Warm wishes,
~ Julia
Good afternoon Julia,
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That will be very sad when your Parkie has to leave, especially as she was such an important being in the life of your son. Cindy lived also a bit longer than is normal for her race and I am happy I did not have her operated on. I believe the CBD was helpful but in the end she was in pain and as we could not do anything anymore her time had arrived.
She was such a darling with the baby cats I adopted, Sasha and Jasmin. It is now more than a year ago and I still find it difficult to talk about her or write these words.
Thank you for the warm wishes, I really appreciate that.
Regards, Taetske
Aww, I’m so sorry for the loss of your very sweet girl. It’s obvious that she had a very loving home that suited her character quite well. Thank you for providing such thoughtful care for Cindy, who happily protected you (and the cats) for years. It is so unfortunate that their lifespan is so short compared to ours, yet I feel we’re all fortunate to get the time we do with our beloved pets.
Good Morning Aly,
When I updated this post, I got all emotional again, even if it is some years ago that Cindy left. My calender is full of names and little crosses when actually it is a birthday calender. Walking through the garden, I can still see and hear her. I know she is in a cheerful place now and has no more pain.
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Regards, Taetske