Prehistoric Civilizations: Egyptians, Sumerians, and the Ubaid People
A Summary of Part 1 & 2
In my previous discussions, I postulate that the ancient Egyptians were not the great master builders we perceive them to be. My initial focus was on the Great Sphinx and I gave information that the head on the Sphinx was actually not the original but a substitute carving, possibly because the earlier image was destroyed by erosion or by design.
I documented the reasons I believe the Sphinx existed long before the times of the ancient kingdoms and give information as to the last date that sufficient water was available to cause the erosion seen on the side of the Sphinx.
We found out that the Sahara Desert switches from desert to grassland on a 20,000-year cycle. The last time the Sahara Desert dried up was 5,500 years ago, and this transition took place within 200 years. The age of the Old Kingdom has been established as 2600 BC or 4,600 years ago, so they carved the Great Sphinx at least a 1,000 years before the Old Kingdom.
Interestingly, we have no record of ancient Egyptian civilizations before the Old Kingdom except for Samara. Or do we?
Ancient Sumara
A book in my library, The Timetables of History (copyright 1946) states that the Sumerian city of Babylon was settled about 4,000 BC. With a little online research, we find the website Ancient History Encyclopedia. This publication postulates that the oldest city was Eridu (although this is still questioned) and it was established by a pre-Sumerian tribe modern historians call the Ubaid people.
Given that the estimated founding date for Eridu is 5400 BC, we already see a civilization that is two thousand years older than the Old Kingdom of Egypt. The people who settled in this area moved from a hunter-gather nomadic existence to a settled agricultural community many years before 5400 BC.
A fascinating book
When I wrote this post, I linked to the older version. Now, the fourth edition of The Timetables of (TM) History is available. This book gives detailed timeline references of human achievements and spans millennia of human history. It offers a good easy to follow review of what was happening during important time periods in our history.
The version I used had entries for the year 1666 such as, the Dutch and French declare war on England, Antonio Stradivari labeled his first violin, Isaac Newton measured the moon’s orbit and the Great Fire of London raged from Feb. 2nd–9th.
This new version has nearly 100 pages of new material, including: -Recent breakthroughs in science and technology -New achievements in the visual arts and music -Milestones in religion, philosophy, and learning -The rise and fall of nations and the emergence of historical figures -Landmarks in the drama of daily life around the world.
A distinct style in building
As seen from this image, the great Mesopotamian structures, though large and impressive, did not use massive stones but were more brick-like structures. Where is the skill for constructing the great stone works of Egypt if not from Mesopotamia?
Because civilizations steal ideas from other civilizations, the “Egyptian” knowledge of how to work massive stone monoliths would have had to come from another society.
The Egyptians did not divine the knowledge for this kind of stonework by themselves. Societies learn from previous generations and other civilizations. Where did the Egyptians learn their techniques?

Ctesiphon-ruin 1864 {PD-1923}
Massive foundation stones that predate Sumara
There are, however, massive stone structures in Lebanon. specifically the megalithic foundations of the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek (called Heliopolis during Roman rule).

Photograph from the 1890’s showing the huge megalithic foundations of the Temple of Jupiter (PD 1923).
According to the author and alternative history proponent, Graham Hancock, these stones predate the temple of Jupiter and quite possibly were quarried over 12,000 years ago. They are of similar age to the newly found temple of Gobekli Tepe. So somewhere between 12,000 years ago and 7,400 years ago, we lost knowledge of how to work stones of massive sizes.

Gilgamesh holding a lion in his arms. (PD 1923)
In the same Ancient History Encyclopedia website mentioned earlier, the publication states the Sumerians believed that civilization resulted from the god’s triumph of order over chaos.
One of their early kings (Etana) is said to have ascended to heaven on the back of an eagle and was known for superhuman feats, similar to the fabled Gilgamesh, who, among other things, killed a lion with his bare hands (can anyone relate this to the fable of Hercules?)
The Mesopotamians believed that the gods had set everything in motion, that human beings were created as co-laborers with the gods to maintain order, and Gilgamesh was believed to be part human-part god.
In ancient Sumerian tablets, The Epic of Gilgamesh relates how Gilgamesh meets Utnapishtim (the Sumerian version of Noah.) This establishes that the great flood was before the establishment of the settling of the ancient Mesopotamian cities (5400 BC.)
Myths of the Great Flood
Now, about the flood myths, our collective memories (fables and oral histories) talk about the great flood in every corner of the world. It does not limit the flood myth to Judaic traditions, but the aborigines of Australia talk of the great snake devouring the land.
The Hindi of India, the ancient histories of Greece, and even in the Americas, the Mayans, all have a flood myth in their histories.
The stories related by Plato in his writings “Critias” talk of a great flood destroying the island of Atlantis over 11,600 years ago. Plato received his information from his great-grandfather Solon, who ventured to Egypt and was told the story by Egyptian priests.
When Solon tried to describe history as they (the Athenians knew it), he (Solon) was admonished for his lack of knowledge of history.
The priest said to Solon “As for those genealogies of yours which you have recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children; for, in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were many of them; and, in the next place, you do not know that there dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, of whom you and your whole city are but a seed or remnant. And this was unknown to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction died and made no sign”. I often wonder how much we lost with the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
A study of prehistory coastlines
In a very interesting video presentation by Graham Hancock, he describes the coastlines around the world at various ages. He also describes ancient maps such as the Piri Reis map and the maps of Mercator and Oronteus Finaeus that detail the coastline of Antarctica.
In our time, Antarctica was not discovered until the 1800s, so where did these people obtain remarkable maps such as these along with detailed longitude and latitude demarcations.
Geologists have developed an understanding of coastlines before the end of the last ice age. At the time of the glacial maximum (the height of the last ice age 21,000 years ago), the Gulf of Arabia did not exist but was only a river formed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The Red Sea was a dry basin. In fact, 10 million square miles of land were above sea level at the time of the glacial maximum but are below water now. One can easily imagine the great flooding caused by a sudden release of ice melt.
21,000 years ago, ice-covered all of Canada, a large part of the US, a large part of northern Europe, and present Russia. The Antarctic ice sheets were just as massive but did not encroach on any landmasses (other than Antarctica.) We have evidence of the catastrophic nature of floods from the geological record of the Bonneville Flood.
This massive flood occurred when a lake covering 32,000 square miles broke through at Red Rock Pass in Southern Idaho about 14,500 years ago. This release of water (peak discharge of 15 million cubic feet per second (420,000 m³/s)) dropped the water level of the Bonneville lake by 344 feet (105 m) and created the massive Snake River Canyon in southern Idaho.
Now, take that example and imagine a release from the Hudson Bay area of Canada.
The surface of the Hudson Bay is calculated as 470,000 square miles (1.23 million square kilometers) and at the glacier maximum, the ice sheet has been estimated to be at least 2 miles (3.4 km) thick.
Now envision a catastrophic release of an area over 10 times the surface area and possibly 30 times the height of the Bonneville flood, and one can envision an unparalleled release of floodwaters that would have caused a massive tsunami and a major sea-level rise.
Geologists speculate that many sudden releases occurred during the time the glaciers receded and according to the ancient Egyptians, one of these “floods” happened in “a day and a night.”
I am becoming more convinced that the history of humanity is missing an enormous part. That we lost more than initially believed with the great flood and that the melting of the ice age glaciers caused massive floods and the demise of the ancient civilizations. Along with the loss of ancient civilizations, we lost untold knowledge about the world.
We have many myths that talk of strange people, and in my next post, I will discuss who these ancient civilizations might have been.
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Picture Source: Public Domain 1923
If you would like to review my previous two posts related to this subject, you can access them using the links below.
There is Controversial Evidence of Prehistoric Civilizations.
There is Controversial Evidence of Prehistoric Civilizations. (pt 2)
Tyler Redlev
Of course there are prehistorian civilizations that existed. World is around 4.54 billion years old and in this timeline here have been civiliztions that we haven’t been aware about.
There are said to be 7 different main root lineages and we’re in the 5th “Arian” root lineage. The first two of these roots are unknown to us.
Good Morning Tyler,
Thank you for reading my post on Prehistoric Civilizations. I would be interested to hear more about those 7 different main root lineages and the source of your information.
Regards, Taetske
Good morning Taetske,
I am fascinated by the concept of an alternative to the history of our world as currently explained. There appear to be many events that are not fully explainable using the concept of Darwinian evolution.
I read the previous commenters note and I do recall the mention of an Aryan race (not to be confused with the concept put forth by an infamous individual in 1933). These “Aryan” people were Indo-Iranian-European in culture and had been on this globe for many eons before our current timeline. I think this is what Mr. Redlev was talking about.
I too find it fascinating that we could have lost our minds, history and our true heritage with the floods of the last ice age. I look forward to more of your research.
Greetings from the opposite side of reality
Good afternoon Edward,
Thank you for visiting my website and your comment.
To think that our heritage got lost in the last ice age is sad. Looking at the world today the more recent heritage of different cultures are systematically destroyed by people who do not agree. This system has been going on for thousands of years. Most of the time it happens because of religious differences. As long as humans do not recognize we are all equal this destruction will continue and priceless pieces from the past will be lost.
Regards, Taetske
Hello. Tell you the truth, I never thought about the Great Flood wiping away history that we could have used to find more out about the human race. It washed away most things. We actually have barely discovered the sea floor & I do believe that Atlantis or other cities are out there waiting to be discovered. Hopefully we will find something similar in the future while I’m still alive. Best Wishes, Rachel.
Good evening Rachel,
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You are right in stating that the sea floor is still to be discovered, all the amazing things from the past are there. I recently read that the palace of Cleopatra sunk during an earthquake and then, of course, Atlantis, I would very much like to know where it is. Mother Earth holds many mysteries and I hope that at least some of them will come to light for me to see.
Regards, Taetske
I really enjoyed reading this article. I continue to be amazed by the ancient structures and how those people could have created or carved those massive stones. Where could those have been created from? Was there a massive stone mountain where they could get these? It is mind boggling to see how they did that stuff back then with no machinery.
You description of the flood is interesting. It seems like to may another one is coming, if we believe global warming or climate change that we keep hearing about.
I agree with you that we are missing a lot of history due to these floods. We don’t even know how much we don’t know.
I appreciate your article and look forward to the next one.
Good evening Curtis,
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It is amazing when one sees what past civilizations were capable of. Sadly a lot is lost and nowadays also many important things have been destroyed by narrow-minded people. The Budha Statues or Palmira are a good example.
At the speed it is going I am also afraid a lot more things will be lost as I do believe that Global Warming will cause Climate Change. This afternoon on the local news I heard that one expects the temperature to rise between 6 to 8C in the south of Spain. That will mean we can expect subtropical conditions. I might not be alive anymore but I still find it a worrying thought.
Regards, Taetske
This is a great read, thanks for sharing!
With so many structures on earth that were categorized as mysterious, these were actually proofs that there were more to it – meaning part of our prehistoric facts were lost.
I appreciate your article – and your website as a whole. This is your way of cultivating what really happened to mother earth and thus we will be more understanding and more loving to the world we live in.
All the best!
Good Morning Hanna,
Nice to hear you like my website. It really is a mixture of the things I like and am interested in. We have to take better care of Mother Earth as she is our habitat and that of future generations. I do hope that in the near future we will find out more about our past. Lost civilizations I find very interesting as there are still so many unknown things.
Thank you for your visit and leaving a comment. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
A fascinating website! I like how you have mixed earth elements and ancient sites all over the world like the Andalusia cave and Son Doong cave in Vietnam with beauty products and natural stone accessories to be worn. It’s a unique niche and a great way to inform and educate those of us who know very little about those far away places and the symbolism behind the stones like lapis lazuli, pearls, jade to name a few.
I enjoyed reading your post There is controversial evidence of prehistoric civilizations. Mother earth holds so many mysteries of which only a small part has been discovered. This post was number 3 so I will go and read the previous 2 also. Thank you for all this information.
Good Morning Haiku,
Thank you for visiting my website and leaving a comment. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
I am fascinated by Mother Earth. She holds so many amazing things. I have always been close to nature and enjoyed finding its treasures. Collecting stones is one of my hobbies. Lost civilizations is another topic which interests me a lot. During my life, I have read many books about this. I hope that in the future we will get more answers to all these open questions.
Regards, Taetske
Hello there! A lot of things happened in our past. I’ve been hearing of the story of the great flood since I was little and I was told it was a very serious incident. Your narration of the great flood is very vivid, and I know more of it from going through this article. The incident also wiped out Ancient civilizations. I really hope that soon we will find out more about our past. Thank you very much for sharing
Good Morning Sophie,
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What we know about our past is only the tip of the iceberg. With each new discovery, we are presented with a piece of the gigantic puzzle. Then comes the problem to see where it fits. Over the years, many beliefs have shown not to be correct. We will probably never know the total truth.
Regards, Taetske
thank you very much for awakening my interest about prehistoric civilization. You have made me begin to ask myself questions. Most of the time we accept what has been told to us. And the truth is that researching about these topics is way more profitable than remaining asleep.
Thank you very much for also sharing this video with us.
The great flood has had a huge impact on our Earth. And studying these changes will open our eyes concerning the future. It’s interesting how this story is all over the world: India, Greece, Irak, Mayas… But yet, some still say today that it was made up.
Good Morning Henry,
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I am convinced the great flood happened, but there might have been great floods in different parts of the world and not all at the same time. Remarkably, all the old cultures mention it. The more scientists and archeologists discover, the more we will know.
Humanity has such a rich and mysterious past, it is fascinating.
Regards, Taetske
Hello there Taetske, I really enjoyed reading your article ‘Prehistoric Civilisations : Egyptians, Sumerians, and the Ubaid People’ and learnt a great deal about the prehistoric times from it. I like that most of your claims and theories where backed with either photo evidence or logical thinking which made it easy to believe and understand.
Good Morning James,
Nice to hear you enjoyed the article. Mother Earth holds many mysteries, and we have not even scratched the surface. More things will be discovered in the future and questions will be answered. On the other hand I am sure that with new archaeological finds new questions will arise and we will never find an explanation to everything.
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Regards, Taetske