People are protesting worldwide

Island in peril image Schaferle
Something is happening on a global level
Normal people are filing claims against their leaders and governments, protesting inaction on climate change. Have you heard about this? These court cases claim that this inaction violates their fundamental rights and puts their future in grave danger. Let us have a look at what that means.
People all over the world are getting tired of hearing their leaders talk about change, but taking no action. Agreements are signed but are not followed upon. In the meantime, all around us, the urgency of taking action is more than clear. People are seeing this and are speaking up.
Have you heard of ClientEarth? They say that our climate is in crisis and that we have to act now because nature is in immediate danger.
Wikipedia describes Client Earth as a non-profit environmental law organization founded in 2008. Currently, they have offices in London, Berlin, Warsaw, and Beijing. Coldplay is a patron of the organization and in June 2019, David Gilmour of the band Pink Floyd pledged to donate 21.5 million U.S. dollars, which he had obtained from his guitar collection sale.
I found that this sounded interesting, so I investigated some more.
This short video shows the people of the Torres Straits. 270 islands are their home and they are worried their home will disappear because of rising sea levels.
The Torres Straits
Prior to the closure of the last ice age, the land between Australia and Papua New Guinea was a connecting landmass. It extended 150 km north of Australia and was the home and habitat of aborigines of Australia.
With the warming of the planet and the ending of the last ice age, what was a stable landmass was inundated with seawater and converted to a shallow continental shelf and 270 islands, collectively called the Torres Straits. Because of this historic connection, there are many birds and mammals found in New Guinea, which have a close genetic link to corresponding species found in Australia.
The dire situation of the islands
The situation on these islands is getting critical. Take, for example, the island of the island of Masig, an island only 3.5 meters above sea level. The sea tides are getting higher every year, causing the wells of sweet water to become undrinkable, crops are ruined, and it topples coconut trees, roots included.
The weather has changed so much and the water level gets only higher, that these people have literally been robbed of the land they have lived on for thousands of years. There were many intentions of creating barriers to the sea with sandbanks and even cement dikes, but this did not help.

Underwater landscape image PLZ
People of the islands are claiming their rights
A group of indigenous people has presented a formal denouncement against the Australian government to the United Nations. They accuse the government of not taking sufficient action to reduce carbon emissions and eliminating or reducing the erosion of their homeland, which violates their basic human rights. Including the conservation of their ancestral culture.
They cannot just pick up their belongings and move somewhere else, says Client Earth, the environmental legal organization representing this group of indigenous people.
This is not the first time something like this happens in the world. The official rebellion of the people of the Torres Straits forms part of a worldwide movement. There are many more groups that denounce their leaders and governments for not taking care of the habitat they live in.
Australia was more intent on giving permits to new mine projects and was kind of taken by surprise.
The plaintiff requires the government to stick to the Paris Agreement of 2016, and that they put a project of seawalls into place to save the islands.
I was thinking, this sounds a lot like what the Dutch have done with their famous Afsluitdijk. The construction of this Dijk started in 1927 and was finalized in 1932. It is 32 km in length and 90 meters wide and isolates what used to be the Zuiderzee, now called the IJsselmeer.
It keeps the North Sea from flooding out a large portion of Holland. Even if the United Nations cannot force any country to do something, I think that just making these cases known to the public will help immensely.

Desert in Jordan image Heidelbergerin
The foundation Urgenda in Holland
There are more people who fight for a healthier environment. Take as a good example, the Dutch lawyer Marjan Minnesma, who in 2015, reached a historic victory. Her foundation, Urgenda, comprises 886 Dutch people, who were literally fed up with the empty promises of the Dutch government. They started legal action and won.
The government of Mark Rutter went to the International Court of den Haag but lost the case. The judge dictated that a reduction of at least 25% of greenhouse gases before the year 2020 was necessary to somehow guarantee the safety of Dutch society.

Contaminating power-plant image jplenio
The Oregon case
Nearly at the same time, on the other side of the ocean, a lawyer in Oregon, Julia Olson, became the legal representative of a group of 21 young people between the ages of 11 and 22 years. They wanted to call into court, the federal government. They claim they are already suffering the effects of a diminishing of their environment.
Jaime, who was still a minor, together with his family, had to abandon his home in the Navajo Reserve in Cameron, Arizona. This happened in the year 2011, and the reason is that their natural water sources were drying out.
Then we have the case of Jayden, 15 years old at that time, who lost his home because of severe inundations in 2016. When Sandy hit New York in 2012, the school of Vic in White Plains had to shut down.
These young people argue the State has broken their constitutional rights, to life, freedom, and property, committing acts that are knowingly destroying, putting in danger, and harming the environmental system.
The Trump Administration, following the lead of the Obama Administration, claims that there does not exist a right to having a climatic system that sustains human life. Twice they have been able to stop the process. It appears they are afraid that the voices of these young people are being heard.
Luckily, a judge in Oregon recently dictated that these voices have a right to be heard and therefore can present a complete case against those who cause them harm. We know this legal case under the name Juliana against the United States.

Street demonstration image Kevin Snyman
The big European case
In Europe, there is also a famous case called Peoples Climate Case.
Here, 10 different families, some of which have included their children, have brought an action in the EU General Court, with an urgent petition that the EU reduces greenhouse gases and emissions. These families come from Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Kenya, Fiji, and the Swedish Sami Youth Association Saminuorra.
The reduction of 40% of the 1990 levels by the year 2030 seems to be insufficient. It will not create an environment where the fundamental rights of a healthy life, occupation, and property are guaranteed. A lot more needs to be done, and it seems that governments, on the whole, do not want to acknowledge this fact. And therefore do nothing or too little.
What happens here has an effect on a global scale. On the other side of the world, people also suffer the consequences of inaction. If the weather conditions get better, it will be so for everybody, independent of where you live. Only if on a global level, everybody cooperates, then there is a chance we and future generations can make it.
This is a memorable book you should posses
There are too many beautiful places disappearing from our world. Our grandchildren will not be able to visit the Glacier National Park as global warming took the glaciers. Neither visit the Congo Basin of Africa to see the great apes roaming freely. 37 special places on our planet, from the Boreal Forests in Finland to the Yangtze River Valley in China, are mentioned in this beautiful book. This is a guide to these threatened destinations.
It is good to see that people worldwide speak up. All these court cases on different levels and in different countries show that the world population is getting more than tired of seeing what is happening with their habitat. Recently I came across a different but also global movement you might not have heard of yet.
This is not on a legal level, but instead uses consumers and their shopping power. Have a look at this, as it might resonate with you.
We have to join one way or the other. We should help save our planet on as many levels as possible. This is our only home. Sadly, because of COVID-19 bUnited had to close its worldwide organization. I hope with all my heart they will be able to restart in the future. This was a beautiful initiative and people from all countries were joining.
I have made a special page for you with a collection of things you might find interesting. Before you leave, have a look at Recommendations.
Source: Newspaper SUR, 22, June 2019, article by Iciar Ochoa de Olano
Photo Source: Pixabay
Young children should be told about what is happening in the world. Luckily there are a lot of excellent books for different age groups. You might like to have a look at the following post.
Excellent article you have up here and I must say this is an alarming issue that requires urgent attention from everyone and you have shed a lot of light on it. The world is being squeezed to a point where people needs to revolt against various things happening in the world. The cases you have pointed out are really of urgent attention but I will share this post out ti reach out to more people in the world.
Good afternoon Rodger,
Nice to see you again. Thank you for your comment.
Great you want to share this post. Our world is on red alert and a lot of people still have no clue. Just imagine the land is literally disappearing from below your feet, how awful is that.? When I started my websites I did not know I would be so touched by all these things but it keeps me writing about it. There are so many things to write about and I can hardly keep up with it.
Regards, Taetske
fintan duggan
Hi Taetske,
I agree that most Governments are not willing to listen enough to their people, by the way the people that got them elected, global warming is a very serious situation that we find ourselves in,. In our country Ireland we get fined each year for not reaching our emission targets but the Government seem to be stuck in the one place and won’t take the hard decisions that need to be taken to cut our green house gas emissions in a big way. I feel for the people of the island of Masig, they will be hungry and thirsty because of what climate change has done to their crops and water supply. Thank you for highlighting these issues.
All the best
Good afternoon Fintan,
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Poor people of the Torres Straits. Actions have consequences. What is happening in our countries will affect people living on the other side of the globe who have not done anything. It is time that humans realize we are one big family with the same rights and obligations.
Regards, Taetske
I have never heard of Client Earth before. We need to take action as we all know climate change is happening. Why cant Donald Trump see this? Before they realise what is happening it will be too late. I honestly feel that we are in a worse state than Governments let us know. Action needs to be done now.
Good afternoon Darren,
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In my eyes, Mr.Trump is going in the wrong direction. He does not help the environment, most of his decisions are against keeping this planet the beautiful place it is. Just now I heard he wants to relax the laws on endangered species. We should be a lot more careful whom we chose as our leaders.
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske,
I have really enjoyed reading your article. There is no doubt that lots of things are wrong within any country and government, but I think usually just people need someone to blame. It doesn’t really matter who it is government, a boss at work or this annoying salesman.
I am a huge believer that if I want to make an impact I need to start local where I can actually do things. Why not improve your neighborhood or even starting by cleaning snow off the sidewalk in front of your house. Maybe I could also start recycling and talk with my friends about it, rather than making a huge protest.
Nonetheless, I am glad that people are talking about environmental issues.
Good afternoon Eugen,
I really think the time of talking is over. We should not rely on the actions of our leaders, they had time enough and look at the mess. I firmly believe that we, the people should take over. Did you check on the green widget Save the planet? That is one of the possibilities we have. You still do not recycle? Better now than never and yes, we all have to do our little bit, it does help. Protests are good but action needs to follow, otherwise, it does not help.
Regards, Taetske
Linda Frankson
Yes, I feel it also. But we can thank the internet for this worldwide technology because people are getting information that is being shared by people like yourself that care what is happening. This wasn’t possible to long ago. There have been groups of people that have been working for over 30 odd years and we know just getting this information their information out there why? because the information is not hidden any longer. The scriptures state that before the coming of the Lord when everything will be taken out there must be a true spread and not a stone will be left unturned there will not be hiding place strong enough for the truth to be hidden away. The corrupted will brought forward and ridiculed they will no longer have the power to keep corrupting. This is taking place and it is actually a joyous time even though it is a very turbulent time.
Good Morning Linda,
It is really appreciated that you visit again and leave a comment.
The internet has been a blessing in the sense that news is spread around the globe in seconds. Even in remote places, people have access to what is happening in our world and I think that is very good.
It is obvious that governments and leaders not always work in the benefit of their people as other interests seem more important.
I really think it is high time to speak up and was therefore happy to see so many people have united.
Just imagine the land you have lived on and generations before you is literally disappearing? It is happening in many places in our world.
I hope that more and more people become aware of this problem, get together and put a stop to it.
Regards, Taetske
Shanta Rahman
Many thanks to you for sharing such an awesome article with us. I must say with you that this is a very thought-provoking issue that requires deep attention. And I think you’ve created a lot of light by creating this article.
At present, the world is sinking to a point where we need to rebel against these events. And you really need to pay close attention to the points you have made for the article.
I certainly feel that the government we are in now is not going to need to be informed so much that it will be too late. Protection is needed right now. I want to convey this article to more people and say that it is time for the government to be aware of it.Thanks again.
Good afternoon Shanta,
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Having 2 websites has made me more aware of what is happening in our world. Many times I am upset when I come across stories about our environment which shows the damage we are doing. I write a post about it and hope people will read it and perhaps do something.
Regards, Taetske
It is terrifying what is happening due to global warming and sadly all caused by humans. The island folk in the Australian region have a right to be angry and it is good to see that people are finally fighting back as if they don’t this earth is going to be ruined for generations to come.
Thanks to the internet, this information is more freely available and people worldwide are becoming more aware of these problems. Most of us were blissfully unaware a little while ago, but some of these groups have been going for a long time.
Good afternoon Michel,
That is true, in old times it was a lot more tranquil but now one is confronted with good or bad happenings instantly.
I got a computer in 2013, rather late in my life. I always say I belong to the handwritten letter generation.
Looking at the world there are so many things wrong and yes, most of the problems are men-made.
I am involved in 2 world movements. One is bUnited and the other is 5G Space Appeal. The last one calls for a worldwide protest on the 25th of January.
Regards, Taetske
Climate change is for real and many politicians choose to meddle with petty issues and politicize subjects other than environmental issues. If they do, how sincere and responsibly are they in carrying out their plans?
An interesting read on the cases you have highlighted especially the Torres Straits. Seldom people would have heard of this place if not for you.
We are not politicians and non-influential people but we can do our part NOT to hurt Mother Nature and do our best to keep our HOME healthy.
Good Morning Sharon,
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To be honest, I have lost my faith in most politicians. Only a few are doing something positive for the environment and their population, very sad.
Even if we are normal people, as you say, we can do our part and treat nature with respect. Educating our children to take care of creation.
We can join worldwide movements like bUnited which will force big companies to market good products, not products which harm us and nature. Did you have a look at their website?
This coming 25th of January there is a call for a global protest against 5G. Things are happening in our world and people are speaking up, I hope it will be on time.
Regards, Taetske
Thanks so much for sharing a great article to read more to be well informed about what is going on this world. As I listen to the news here in Canada, some has been said about how the world is changing so fast and how some people are worried about their homes in different places on this planet,. Not because we can’t see it, it doesn’t happen.
I can see how the weather is changing, and how things change so fast. It’s true, most of the governments don’t listen and most of them do just a little. Articles like yours help many to be well informed and find how and what to do to help others around the world.
Good Morning Alejandra,
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Our world is changing on so many levels. I wrote this post before COVID-19. This virus has really put the world upside down in so many ways. It makes us forget the previous problems, but they do exist.
The inaction of governments shows that we, the people, have to speak up so things get done.
Regards, Taetske
This post makes global warming very real. This is not a case of what might happen, but these are cases where things are already changing.
It is very scary to think that whole islands could disappear.
Thankfully the US have joined the Paris agreement again and will therefore undo the 4 years wasted during the Trump administration. With all the major countries committed to implementing it, we will start to see a change in our environmental decline.
It is good that people are holding governments to account, but we have to appreciate that they have to balance all parts of the economy.
Good Morning Geoff,
I am also happy that the U.S. has joined the Paris agreement again. There are already some countries that are entirely green or nearly. The countries lagging behind should pick up speed, so we might just make it. Sadly for many places it will be already too late.
As for balancing all parts of the economy, that has gone down the drain in 2020.The astronomical debts countries have taken on their shoulders will be paid by future generations. All in all, a rather grim picture as the to-do list has grown so long.
Thank you for your visit and for your comment. Do not forget your free PDF, tulip widget.
Regards, Taetske
I think it is good that people are speaking up and asking the governments of the world to take action in the fight against climate change. The stories that you have put forth here are heartbreaking. They put a very real face on the crisis that is before us if things don’t change quickly. Thank you for posting.
I think it’s important to put this issue at the feet of every person on this planet as well. As long as we, as individuals, continue to desire, acquire and do things that damage our Earth, the problem will not be solved. It’s up to each one of us to make changes in our own lives to improve the situation.
Good Morning Cynthia.
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We do not live in harmony with nature anymore. There is enough for everybody, but the entire system needs an update. Only take what you need. Human greed is doing a lot of damage.
I wonder what future generations will think of us. We are not taking care of their inheritance. You are right. The changes will need to start in our own life and in the way how we educate our children.
Regards, Taetske