440 Hertz, a crime against humanity
You might think this is a strange title for a post, and I can agree with that. Things that I have recently come across prompted me to write this article as it really shocked me. There will be many different opinions on this, feel free to leave them in a comment below this post. Please, also do your own investigation to not say ” what nonsense” immediately.

Musical Notes image Tomislav Jakupec
In 1936, Joseph Goebbels managed to change the way we listened to music. Previously, humanity did not have a standardized tone for tuning musical instruments. But the tuning of A above middle C was generally at 432 Hz. We used this throughout music history.
Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (570–495 BC), is often credited with identifying musical harmonic ratios related to scientific pitch and the birth of 432 Hz.
That is when Joseph Goebbels wanted to standardize the tuning of A above middle C to 440 Hz. The concept behind this was to subconsciously induce discord in the listener. When people get edgy and nervous, it has laid the basis for misunderstanding, lack of patience, and more willingness to strife, anger, battles, and full-blown wars.
You will find different opinions about this on the internet, something to suit all tastes. Already before 1936, there had been discussions on this, so it is not sure it really was Goebbels or not. The more you read different posts, the more one might get confused. It is up to you to form your opinion.
When it was accepted worldwide that 440 Hz was the standard way of tuning instruments, this was the moment when we got disconnected from Nature’s harmony. We did not vibrate anymore with the Cosmos; we listened and vibrated to a man-made frequency.
The rupture with Nature got bigger overtimes as we started eating man-made foods as well, and our overall health, mental, physical, and spiritual fell into decline.

Universe image Gerd Altmann
Light, sound, and vibrational wavelengths
Have you ever thought about this? What are we when analyzed on an atomic level? Everything physical, be it people, animals, and nature in general, everything you see in a physical form is made up of atoms. Atoms are energy, and that is something scientists tell us. Sound has the power to create.
We all are created by the cosmic energy, the source, and we all will go back there. If you can believe in this, that we and everything else is created by the same source, then it makes you also realize we are all equal. It does not matter where you are born, if you are rich or poor, the color of your skin is not important.
My personal belief is, as we are all equal, we have the same rights and obligations. During our life here on earth, we have to learn to accept our differences and be respectful of other people’s ideas.

Halebidu Hindu Temple image Bishnu Sarangi
Hinduism is the oldest living religion and can be traced back to at least ten thousand years. It is the 3rd largest world religion and has 750 million followers. In Hindu cosmology, the universe is cyclically created and destroyed. It is divided into Yuga, which is an epoch. At the moment we are living in the Kali Yuga.
The world is one flood of energy. Sound is vibration and the cosmic energy together with the 5 elements creates all life. These elements are space, air, fire, water, and earth. The Divine is dual since all creation has components of male and female elements.
All matter and energy can be described by wavelengths. You see your friend because light reflects off that individual at a specific wavelength relative to his/her color and reflectivity.
Obviously, we hear the sound because of wavelengths and all atoms vibrate at a specific rate given a standard temperature. (Yes, I know that increased temperature will cause atoms to vibrate at a higher rate.)

Violin music image S.Hermann and F.Richter
Man-made musical aberration
Using 432 Hz was based on harmonic ratios found in nature. 432 is a simple multiple of 16, and all harmonic ratios are simple multiplications. Nicola Tesla discusses the importance of 3, 6, and 9, the most important sequence of numbers in nature.
Do not miss this interesting video on Nicola Tesla Code.
Many musicians today believe music played using 432 Hz as the tuning frequency provides a better audience response. The 432 Hz is in harmony with nature, but it is unlikely we will re-tune all the millions of instruments worldwide.
You can make an experiment with babies. Play some soothing classical music and they will sleep much better. Hardrock does exactly the opposite, babies will get restless and cry. You can try the same with your houseplants as all living things respond to music.

Skillet Panhead Concert image Pascal Beckmann
The pollution of natural harmonies
There is a theory that the disruption of natural harmonies causes our world to be in unrest. People commit awful crimes to our environment which are mostly money-driven. When you look at the world, we are not in harmony at all. Does the question arise who would benefit from this unrest?
An unusual book
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia, and flawed pages. It is true to its original work.
Those who have the power in their hands
According to Dr. Leonard. G. Horowitz, a powerful organization wants to keep the populace in a state of agitation. Behind the scene where those who hold the power to operate, they have created many unsavory things. All this without the knowledge of the people.
Take the Rothschild family, it is said they developed plans in 1770 to create the Illuminati.
The idea was to have global domination through a network of banks controlled by them and their silent partners. It seems they were the ones behind the idea of changing to 440Hz. Between the 2 World wars there seem to have been more scientific studies in musical frequencies and how to apply this knowledge of war-making.
The Rothschild-Rockefeller alliance ordered and funded these studies, represented by the Rockefeller Foundation and U.S. Navy. In 1939 the British Standards Institute (BSI) adopted the 440Hz within the background the Rockefeller Foundation together with the Nazi regime.

Music-band image Carabo Spain
444 Hz is also a frequency which you will find in nature. Both 444Hz and 432 Hz are related and harmonize, and each of these frequencies will have therapeutic benefits. Being stressed, an excellent remedy will be to separate yourself from modern life and look for nature where you can recharge your batteries.
To sit quietly, breathe clean air, relax all your muscles, and try to empty your mind from troubling thoughts can do wonders. Connecting with nature and tuning into its frequency can help you heal.
Since this happened, being really separated from nature, all hell has broken loose. We will have to find our way back to nature. We have to once again be in harmony with the total creation of which we form a part.
Instead of misusing and abusing Mother Earth learn to live peacefully with everybody and everything. Protect instead of destroying, only like that we will be able to advance as a human race. Tune back and into the harmonies of 432 Hz and 444Hz.
For those people who are interested to change the music from 440 Hz to 432 Hz, I am including this video which shows you how to do that.
Dr.Leonard G. Horowitz is the author of 16 books. His life mission is to help fulfill humanity’s Divine destiny to actualize world peace and permacultural sustainability. If you wish you can contact Dr. Horowitz at info@healthyworldaffiliates.com
An afterthought
I have come across this video recently, and I want to share it with you. There is so much going on behind the scene we have no idea about. I think this video explains it very well. The picture it paints of the world we live in is far from pretty, it is scary and with whole my heart I would wish it not to be true.
I have made a special page for you. It holds a collection of things you might find interesting. Before you leave, have a look at Recommendations.
Source: Dr. Horowitz, Wikipedia
Photo Source: Pixabay
Perhaps you like to read this beautiful prayer.
Wow! I think this is fascinating. To be honest, this is something I have heard about before, but I kind of lost touch with it. I actually don’t think it’s that odd to think this is happening. Governments around the world do all sorts of weird and experimental things to their people.
Anyway, I do love heavy metal music, but maybe I should lay off a bit? lol. I love going out an connecting with nature too, so perhaps there can be a balance?
One thing I love listening to is Beethoven’s 7th Symphony. There’s one on YouTube that’s a loop and man is it good. It’s 432hz. It’s seriously the most perfect song.
Really fascinating stuff here!
Good afternoon Christina,
Thank you for your comment on my website. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
There are many things going on behind the scene and on all type of levels and things. Take for example Big Pharma together with the FDA. They get rich at the cost of our health. People do not investigate and assume healthcare is tops when it is not really good. The many lies we are being told about food and we think it is true. We are being brainwashed. Besides the 440 Hertz which is awful now another thing is coming our way, 5G. I will get you a link.
https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/laparra1/blog/the-5g-threat-what-it-means-to-the-human-race/a_aid/2f896c67 On my other website, I have written a couple of posts on the dangers of EMF radiation.
The only thing we can do is to be as much informed as possible.
Regards, Taetske
Christina Piccoli
Oh yes, I’ve heard about 5G being a real problem. I sometimes go on the Conspiracy page of Reddit and a lot of these things are discussed there. I don’t like to hang out there too often because it’s really, really negative there and it gives me bad vibes.
I just think it’s interesting the theories that they come up with. Some of them make total sense. And that’s a little scary.
Good Morning Christina,
Yes, 5G is more than scary. At the moment I am very busy to get the word out as many people do not know what it is. Please have a look at the following link http://www.5gspaceappeal.org, perhaps you also like to put your name and forward it to the people you know. 5G is something that will affect all living things on this planet and only a Global Protest will stop it.
Regards, Taetske
This was an eye-opener and led to a better understanding of the universe around it. This universe was created for those existing in it to live in harmony and everything in the earth including its sounds was also meant to harmonize with those living in the earth but it seems we humans are not satisfied by this and wish to destroy that harmony by creating things that go against natural order like the introduction of 440Herz.
It is said that music has led to a lot of the crime happening today as people tend to emulate what is been talked about in these songs and the sounds been produced also has an effect on the way a person behaves. It was a real eye opener reading this post as it proves that there are some that just don’t want this earth to be at peace and would do all they can to upset the balance.
Good Morning Jay,
Thank you for your visit and comment. Nice to see you again.
It is very sad we have disconnected from nature. Worldwide one can see the negative effects of that disconnection. We are ruining our own habitat as we destroy the environment. People are not balanced anymore.
This morning at breakfast Michael, who is American, told me a famous ex American football player was shot by his neighbor because having a dispute over a parking place. We are not going in the right direction.
Regards, Taetske
Oh my God, this is one of the most amazingly informative and expository things I have read all week, more so as an avid student of physics Electronics, stumbling upon this has made me some more knowledge on sound waves and frequencies but I want to know if there can be some sort of devices that could modulate these frequencies and maybe filter/ reduce the intensity from 440hz to something lower and more conducive. Cheers.
Good Morning Oneal,
Thank you for your comment on my post. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
You came up with a good question. Your question prompted me to include a new video at the bottom of my post. It is a tutorial on how to change 440 Hz into 432 Hz. I hope you find it helpful.
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske, thank you, this is really interesting stuff. I assume that the healing energy Hertz tracks which are rotating on YouTube are genuine and really in the 432 frequency.
Good evening Loes,
Thank you for your comment. Let us hope that people who work in the healing niche and post those videos on YouTube have done their research. If not I am afraid it will not help in a positive way.
Regards, Taetske
Linda Frankson
My dear friend you have done it again now I have other things to consider in healing not just the body but what is happening to the mind.
My greatest worry is that my grandson has become very aggressive since entering High School and his very irritating use of bad language. and to listen. They listen to all the wrong people, of course, their peers that think they know everything.
Now with this information, I know where it is coming from. The music that they listen to. I can see now how he converted from this awesome kid to this very aggressive bad mouthed teenager is comes from.
Unfortunately, I can’t change the frequency because it all comes from WFi over the internet through his phone, especially rap.
I myself get very irritated when he has it on very loud. Now I know why!
To have control over the things that man is doing to create warlike humanity and they are doing this through our younger generation and there doesn’t seem to be an end to it.
I am working with an undeveloped mindset that is very vulnerable to the way people think and react this can be especially hard no only for me but for him also.
As he only wants to be accepted by his peers and the way of accomplishing that is by following the other people mindsets that have been exposed much longer to the ways of the world,
I have in my favor his devotion to sports that leads towards a much healthier mindset and he is a very devoted person in this aspect which doesn’t lead to making very many friends.
I know about wavelengths within nature and the reason behind not being able to hear other animals or plant life, But we do have the ability to harmonize with nature.
My mother explained it like this, each and every life form has its own frequency the hight is the human form all the rest are below us that is why we can’t hear them but I do know that we can feel them.
I don’t know where all this information will lead me but thank you anyhow. Keep up the great work as always
always a better way
Good Morning Linda,
Thank you for your comment. Nice to see you again.
I can understand how you feel about your grandson, being a teenager is not the easiest age to be in. Not for himself and neither for the people close to him.
It is so sad we have disconnected from nature, the harmony is gone and it makes people less human.
Every living thing has a frequency but we are not able to tune into that frequency which is a shame.
I recently wrote another post on this, here comes the link.
This amazing place Damanhur.org is in Italy and I would love to go there one day.
Having 2 websites for 2 years makes me investigate more than I used to in the past. Unusual things one discovers on the way. There you see one is never too old to learn and I hope my grey cells will stay active for many more years to come.
I hope you will be able to guide your grandson so, in the end, he will become a good and caring human being.
Regards, Taetske
Tracy cole
This sounds so exciting and adventurous. I feel tickled by the theme., At first i couldn’t decode the topic easily but I later took my time to read through before getting the major point you are driving at. What an amazingly talented writer you are! Nature is what we cant be separated from, God has given us all we need, Ours is to utilize our potentials.
I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as you’ve provided us with lots of valuable information
Good afternoon Tracy
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Nice to hear you enjoyed my post and did get the point. Men interferes far too much and this has far-reaching consequences for the human race. Personally I do not like the direction we are going. Be aware and informed and if it really gets too bad a Global protest could help.
Regards, Taetske
Thanks so much for sharing this post. Its very intriguing to read. Honestly, I have heard about this before but over time, I figured out thats the way of the world we lived in and I kind of lost touch with it.
As much as I was amazed by these facts, I realized that we humans are the course of our own peril. For every great breakthrough, there is a greater sacrifice. I really wished we all will just enjoy our cordiality with nature and realise there is more to nature than just the physical.
very interesting post.
Good afternoon Rodger,
Nice to hear you liked my post. I think we are going in the wrong direction. Just look around you to see what is happening. Many things are not understandable as with our actions we ruin our environment, the habitat we all have a right to. Power, money, it shows a huge disrespect of a few towards the human race.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
Regards, Taetske
Mustapha Ibrahim
The sign of a fall from an age when all were in natural harmony with the great. With respect to understand human
nature , I think we have a human right to a meaningful connection to nature, Thank you very much for sharing this information for us we appreciated about it.
Good afternoon Mustapha,
Thank you for your comment on my website. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
We should and can be in harmony with nature. Nature provides for our needs. Instead, we harm our environment and disconnect. This has serious consequences for our health and our general wellbeing.
Regards, Taetske
Yes! I’ve been wanting to learn more about this for years. When I first heard about 432hz, it was from an old friend of mine who was a fellow musician. Ever since then, I’ve been wanting to tune at least one of my guitars to 432 and record a bunch of originals that way. It’s fascinating to think that this could be one of the biggest reasons why people are so uptight and edgy nowadays. I think that if we really want to unplug from all this nonsense, it would be a good idea to convert the stuff we listen to everyday to 432. I love that you even have a video on this. Thank you so much for sharing! I’m totally saving this article and sharing it with friends!
Good afternoon Mark,
How nice and good it would be to go back to 432Hertz and be able to compare if humans would quiet down. There definitely is an urgent need for this worldwide. I hope this video is helpful.
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Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske,
I couldn’t agree more. The use of 440 hertz has always grinded on my nerves. I never knew it was because nature was being violated until I just read your article. No wonder I never truly relax with all these jivy rock and roll music. They tend to strike a wrong cord in my soul.
I would really love it, if music finds its way back to the frequency of nature. it would go a long way to sooth our vibrating souls.
Good afternoon Peace,
We, humans, do a lot of stupid things. Since I have my 2 websites I discover things I was not aware of before. Going back to nature would do us good on many levels.
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Regards, Taetske
This is truly an eye opener and this review has given me a better understanding of the universe and everything that surrounds it, this world was created so the inhabitant can live together in peace and harmony but am surprised some human hates peace or love even some of the music we hear today are part of the reason why there is disharmony because some people practice the bad words or the bad lyrics in a song but my question is how do we make the world a better place for ourselves and our children?… I hope to get good article like this from you often. Thanks.
Good afternoon Osinachi,
Nice to hear you found my post interesting. It is sad there is so much disharmony in the world. Our planet is a beautiful place and has enough resources so we could all live in peace. We should take better care of our environment and if posible, return to 432 Hertz.
Thank you for visiting my website and leaving a comment. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
Regards, Taetske
afolabi anumicheal
I must say you really get me scared with all i read in this article how we are manipulating nature ,thinking it is the best decision to make without thinking about the next generation to come. Why would humans want to switch from such a beneficial frequency to one that causes harm? It could be due to ignorance at the time of change but all the same the fact still remains, it can cause more harm than good
Good afternoon Afolabi,
Thank you for your comment. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
It was not my intention to scare you but it is good to find out about things. Humans do a lot of stupid things which cause them harm. They eat the wrong foods, they pollute the air and water and the list goes on. Perhaps one day we will understand, I hope so.
Regards, Taetske
Very interesting post. I just found your site, and it seems I will stay here longer. With so many advertisers and text about earning money, reading something different is very refreshing. To be fair, I have never heard about 432hz sounds, but the entire story is fascinating. Definitely I need to read more on this topic and looking forward to test in practice converted music.
Good Morning Cogito,
When I came across this story, it fascinated me. At the same time it made me angry as once again somebody/group meddles with something that harms humanity. There are many examples in history, but this is an extremely severe and huge issue. I doubt if ever we will go back to harmony again, but I certainly wish it would happen.
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Regards, Taetske