The secret life of plants, a very special book
Do plants have feelings? Do plants recognize you? Have you ever thought about these things?
Well, I did not until 1973 when I read the book “The secret life of Plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. Many years have passed but I clearly remember 2 stories that impressed me a lot.

Geraniums in Pots image RitaE
2 Special experiments
Imagine a room with several different geranium plants in flower pots. Each plant has electrodes attached to its leaves. In a room close by, a monitor faithfully records all the reactions of the plants. Different people come and go and these plants are being nurtured and well taken care of, with regular light and sufficient water.
Then, one day a new person enters this room and kills one of the geranium plants. Literally stamping on it, tearing it apart, and destroying it. On the monitor, they observed that the other geraniums were very agitated, like experiencing real fright.
They took away the dead geranium and everything became normal again. For some time nothing happened. The geranium plants were treated well, and on the monitor nothing special could be observed.
More than a week later, the assassin entered the room. All the geranium plants showed agitation as if they recognized the killer. One must wonder, how is it possible for a plant to remember a person? Could they smell the individual through his (her) chemical signature? Plants do have the ability to detect chemicals in the air.
An unusual book
When this book came out in 1973, it became an instant world bestseller. Most retailers only have the revised version but you may be able to get the original version on Amazon here.
Afraid of flying
The second story is of a woman who was scared to fly. As an experiment and in preparation for her first flight, they fitted her houseplants with electrodes on their leaves. This woman had to travel many miles till she reached the airport.
On entering an airplane for the first time in her life, she became very nervous. On takeoff, she got really frightened, and until she safely landed some hours later, her nervousness was high.
Her houseplants reacted. On the monitor, they observed that during the time of the flight the plants felt the agitation of their owner.
I remember when I read this book in 1973; these stories absolutely fascinated me.
The revised book
This book came out in 1989 and is completely updated with the latest scientific findings. You can find the revised version on Amazon here.
Your relationship with nature
In 1989 a new, updated Secret Life of Plants was published. This was a fascinating account of the physical, emotional, and spiritual relations between plants and men. It underlines the human relationship with nature. I wonder if many people have kind of lost this relationship.
Just look around you and see what is happening to our environment every day. It is rare that one can detect harmony with nature, which is especially sad, as we only have this planet to live on.
We are nothing without flora. It makes Mother Earth beautiful. It provides a habitat for animals and plays a very important role in providing us with clean air (remember that trees produce oxygen). Not only does it provide the very air we breathe but also medicines that help us survive our own errors in judgment.
What we can learn or get from plants is almost unlimited. Examine as an example, the Amazon Rainforest. Only 10% of its plants have been studied by scientists, yet it has provided us with many beneficial natural medicines. I think that humankind, animals, and nature as a whole are interconnected, but we have lost that connection.
I came across some very interesting information I had never heard of before. Damanhur is an eco-village and spiritual center, in the Piemont area some 50 km north of Turin in Italy.

Dolomites image Preenasundersingh
On the grounds is a sacred forest where singing plants have been recorded. In the following video, you can listen to this unusual music.
I am absolutely amazed at the music you can hear. It seems that the plants are conscious of the sounds they make.
Already a long time ago people were interested in the feelings of plants. In the year 1848, the German experimental psychologist Gustav Fechner thought that plants were capable of emotions. He said talking to them and being nice to them would promote growth. I have experienced that myself with my orchids.

Pink Orchid image Negative-Space
Happy orchids in my house
I have friends who cannot have orchids in their house. They often receive an orchid as a present, and within one week, the orchid is losing its flowers and looks dismal. They will give the orchid to me, and in my house, they are happy and live for many years. They produce abundant flowers twice a year.
The other day, while trying to guide a stem with little buds, I broke off the top. I was ever so sorry, believe me. During the following 2 weeks, I would send the wounded plant my energy, holding my hands around the broken stem. It has recuperated and is now creating a new stem with buds a little below the wound.
Then there was an Indian scientist, Jagadish Chandra Bose, who made experiments with plants in the year 1900. He invented several different instruments with which he could measure the electrical responses in the plants. When a plant dies, it seems it suffers an electrical spasm.
The famous playwright George Bernard Shaw was a vegetarian. He visited the laboratory of biologist Patrick Geddes. There he witnessed the death of cabbage, it had convulsions while it boiled. One wonders how Mr. Shaw reacted to this, but it seems it upset him.
An interesting book for your library
There are many examples of how Western herbal medicine has been ignored with the advent of Patent Medicine in the 1900s. Here is a collection of guides to appropriate methodologies to evaluate herbal medicine.
Not conclusive results
Some tests to prove the claims in the Secret Life of Plants have not had a confirming result. One said that these claims of plants having feelings were untrue. Personally, I think that all living things have some kind of feeling. Perhaps not in the way we have feelings, but still.

Snail on Leaf image Krysztof Niewolmy
New findings on plant feelings
In the past years, additional evidence has come to light. Even if a plant’s response to being hurt is not exactly the same as in a human or animal, it is still visible that they react. Plants do not have a nervous system, neither do they have neurotransmitters, but they do have glutamate.
When a plant is bitten by an insect or somehow injured, it releases glutamate at the place of the wound. Then a calcium wave rushes through the entire plant body, which in turn releases their stress hormones.
A plant cannot run away like animals or humans. It has a built-in mechanism to defend itself and repair wounds. I am sure that in the future we will hear more about what plants are capable of doing. Everything in existence is made of energy. All life in this world, humans, animals, and plants, are made of the same materials and energy.
They have had a different evolution, but when you go back to the beginning, everything is made up of atoms.
Do not miss this interesting video on plants.
As an afterthought
The more we find out about nature, its beauty, and its complexity, the more amazing it gets.
I have already commented that plants might be able to recognize individuals through chemicals in the air. A report from “The Scientist Magazine” documents that plants communicate through the air by releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
I did not know that plants can also communicate through the soil by secreting soluble chemicals into the soil and transporting them along thread-like networks formed by soil fungi.
With this in mind, it is not inconceivable that a plant might send out distress signals when it is dying and other plants would recognize the additional “smell” of the assassin.
Don’t you think we live in a wonderful place?
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Source: Wikipedia
Photo Source: Pixabay
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I would have placed a bet that plants have no feeling or don’t recognize the owner but going through this I have to think again. it’s very interesting though to think of and how human mistreat plants as they have no one on this planet.I hope to allot more will see this blog and feel the way I felt and for sure things would change to how we treat the plants.
Good evening Charles,
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I will bet with you that we do not know everything about plants. We might know 10% and I am sure that in the future many new things will be discovered.
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Regards, Taetske
I was vaguely aware of the book “The Secret Life Of Plants” but I was unaware of the two experiments mentioned in the article. I have always been rather sceptical of the whole “talking to plants” ethos, notwithstanding Prince Charles’ views on the matter, but those experiments do give food for thought. Hopefully, we can still eat fruit and vegetables otherwise even vegans will be struggling for a food source! My favourite 1970s sci-fi show, “Space: 1999”, featured an episode called “The Rules of Luton”. A very brief synopsis: two astronauts land on a planet not just populated but ruled by plants; not the triffid-style variety but ordinary plants who take a dim view when one of the astronauts picks a flower. It seemed silly back then but, with these experiments in mind, was it so far-fetched?
Good evening Rob,
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Personally, I think we are allowed to take from nature but we should not take more than needed. Like the native Americans who would thank nature for its gift. We are far away from living in harmony with creation and that is why there are so many problems in our world.
I looked up your” Rules of Luton” and tomorrow will try to watch it.
Regards, Taetske
Laura Endahl
Oh my, that video is absolutely amazing. Now I can honestly see where in “harmony” with nature comes from. That just totally blew me away.
I knew they were alive, and needs positive attention, just like any living being. But to hear them singing, that is just, I’m still in awe over it all. Even watched the video again.
I just wish man would see that many of life’s answers come from our forests, trees, plants, etc. I fear they are all too caught up in technology–myself included.
Thansk for that awesome experience,Laura
Good evening Laura,
Nice to hear you enjoyed the music making plant video, even twice. That eco-village in Italy is a place I would love to visit. Till then I will have to do with my farm in the south of Spain, not a bad place to be able to live.
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Regards, Taetske
I always believe that all living things have feelings and response to a stimulus, including the plants. I, however, don’t know how plants can recognize someone talk more of remembering the person. This sounds incredible but true. Plants are wonderful and the experiments show that there is are relationships/connections between plant and human. The benefits of plants to mankind cannot be overemphasized.
Good evening Abiodun,
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That plants can remember a person is quite extraordinary. I hope that in the future more information will come to light. We really should take care of our environment.
Regards, Taetske
Rod Brown
Irrespective the origin, is it lucrative to assume that it was a joint endeavor, or just a lucky happenstance? Where there is order, there are similarities in all things, as if created by one origin, one Creator. Bible references the instance In Genesis where the earth cried out because of the blood of Abel, and again In the new testament as Jesus rode into Jerusalem and told his apostles that if the people were silent, the rocks would cry out.
There is a connection between all things, the one Creator. I don’t find it a mystery, but I do find it awesomely wonderful.
Thank you for your research, BCNU, Rod
Good evening Rod,
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When one thinks that we all form part of creation it is very sad to see that humans treat it so badly. This planet is the place where we all live and respecting our environment it could be a lot nicer and peaceful. Perhaps we will learn one day, I hope so.
Regards, Taetske
It really is amazing when you read about nature. You find something new every time and it never ceases to be something incredible! I had heard that plants have emotional reactions, but didn’t know to what extent it was possible. You are absolutely correct when you state that we live in an incredible world. This certainly is motivation to take care of it! I found the stories of the geraniums and the woman’s flight to be fascinating! Thanks so much for writing this!
Good evening Steve,
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Nature holds so many mysteries, it never stops to amaze me. On my farm I have a couple of big and old trees, I sometimes have a little chat with them.
Regards, Taetske
Dave Sweney
This was a fascinating article for me, as it caused me to reflect on my own experiences and relationship with nature, flora and the environment in general. There is no doubt in my mind that plants are indeed amazing and that in their own way can make music.
There is a lot we cannot prove but know to be true. We accept some things based on circumstantial evidence that indicates that which we may not be able to see. This is the case with plants. In all my years on this earth, I have had a love and a bond with nature.
It started as a young lad growing up in Northern Minnesota (USA) and Ontario (Canada). There we were literally surrounded by forests, lakes, wild animals, and nature. You learned at a young age to appreciate and respect humans inseparable relationship with nature.
We also had Native Americans in the family to provide more wisdom on that symbiotic relationship that has been there since time forgotten. Their perspective on all things in nature, to include plants, is a much closer and more accurate one in my eyes than in some cultures.
Plants have traveled with me as I have crossed the world and always I try to have at least a couple in any place that I live or work. Even in the desert conditions of Dubai, we have made a special effort to nurture plants indoors and outdoors. I cannot imagine a lifeless landscape devoid of all plant life (even in the desert you will find plants that somehow survive).
So to get back to your post on how amazing plants are, and to the question of whether or not they may be able to sing, I feel they do have a form of energy that is radiated to everything around them. They also are able to absorb energy from things around them, so it makes sense to me that at some level, they can react to good and bad, and manifest this through some form of communication.
Great read, thanks much for making my evening a reflective one!
Good evening Dave,
Nice to see you again. Thank you for your comment.
I grew up in Holland and was also blessed with a lovely place to live. We had a big garden of which part was not landscaped forming an exciting piece of nature. I would make expeditions dressed like an Indian together with our dog and cat. I even had a real bow and arrows. My Father made a tree house for me, you can imagine I was a real tomboy.
Michael, who emigrated from the U.S. to Spain in 2016 also has Cherokee blood of which he is proud. Yes, I know, never take more than needed, say thank you and honor the spirit.
Remember the Kirlian photography from 1939? When I heard about that I found it so interesting. Now I know all living things emit certain radiation which can be seen and measured.
My Father loved conifer trees. He had a collection of 40 different ones in the back of the garden. They all had a tag with the Latin name on it. Every day he would make a walk through his little forest, he would talk and touch them and they grew absolutely beautiful.
Regards, Taetske
I’ve heard that plants understand what we talk and their growth can be influenced by the emotion in our talk (as you mentioned above). It’s amazing to think that plants can feel and even sing. After all, plants are living beings too, just like humans and animals.
I believe plants have souls too. I’m most amazed by the fact that plants can also recognize people, like the experiment with geranium flowers. Nature is indeed amazing and we shall preserve it 🙂
Good afternoon Alblue,
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I like it that you say plants have souls too. If we take in consideration they form part of creation and they are also made up of atoms the same as humans and animals for sure they will have also the Godly Spark inside.
Regards, Taetske
Linda Frankson
Taetske, what an amazing post you sent me over here from your most recent post. I have spent an hour or more! reading and viewing your videos. I couldn’t finish the last video as I have work to do but it gives me the incentive to return and finish watching.
As I watched the singing plant I felt teary not out of sadness but more out of joy Ya I know I am a crazy sentimentalist. I can’t write to much today, I have too much on my plate.
Thank you for these wonderful treasures that you share with us, my time that is limited and it takes time to find these wonderful treasures of Mother Nature.
What I will share with you and this brought a smile to my face. What would vegetarians and Vegans do if they knew the intelligence of plant life(O: it certainly would throw a wrench in their wheels
Have a Fantastic Week
always a better way
Good afternoon Linda,
Nice to see you again and thank you for your comment.
Yes, Mother Nature holds so many beautiful treasures that one lifetime does not hold time to see it all.
I hope you will have time to look at Damanhur, so special. I would love to go there one day. I think we can eat all that Nature has to offer but we should always be grateful for her gifts.
With best wishes from the south of Spain, Taetske
This is a fascinating article, as I have never considered that a plant had feelings. It should probably come as no surprise considering the connection we humans form with them. We like to be outside to see the different colors they show and to inhale their aroma. My houseplants give me a great sense of comfort and I love to look at them, pick them up and take care of them.
If we were not forming some sort of connection, we wouldn’t bother having them! Now, unfortunately, I’m going to have to feel bad every time I forget to water that plant in the corner.
Good Morning Cynthia,
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I always water my house plants on Sunday and orchids only twice a month. I read that orchids purify the air, also in a spiritual sense. My 2 friends who cannot have orchids in their house are both unhealthy. Both have different and serious ailments, so I am not surprised the orchids cannot cope with that. A little further up on the hill where they live is a huge 5G tower. I am happy I live on my organic farm surrounded by clean nature.
Regards, Taetske
Groomy Dude
Hello Taetske,
Pretty cool stuff here, I do enjoy the wonders of nature. I am one who chooses to live in the forest away from the city and feel more comfortable with the trees than I do with the concrete and buildings. I don’t find it hard to believe plants have some type of energy that binds them with all the living things on our planet.
I have witnessed the effects of interaction with plants and how they actually respond to it before. I have never heard of plants singing though. I know none of this to be possible without our intervention but it is really cool that one can sense and display the real flow of this energy.
Thanks for helping me to experience something I have never heard of today!
Good Morning Chad
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Everything comes from the same Source. Everything is made up of energy to then develop into different shapes and life forms. If we could all understand this and believe we are all basically the same, this world would be a more peaceful place.
I believe we only know a fraction about the total, our body, our world and the universe. The whole setup is one big miracle. Would it not be wonderful if we were able to communicate with animals and nature as a whole? Humans definitely need some super fine tuning.
Regards, Taetske