by Taetske | 3:50 pm

Amazing precious Stones, their Magical Fascination to People

  The beautiful variation of precious stones   Precious Stones and their magical fascination to people. It is quite amazing that often a not very exciting-looking piece of stone can have a shiny and

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by Taetske | 4:38 pm

15 Beautiful and Unique National Park in Spain

  15 National Park in Spain   There are 10 Parks on the Iberian Peninsula and 5 divided over the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands. Over 10 million people visit these parks every

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by Taetske | 5:59 pm

A Great Trip to the South of Portugal

  Fossil hunting in the south of Portugal   We recently (March 2017) got a chance to take a week off so we left Spain. As some friends were on holiday, we took the

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by Taetske | 6:28 pm

Are You Planning a Wonderful Trip With the Family to Mexico?

  Mexico, that colorful and interesting country     Mexico has more than 126 million inhabitants and a surface of 1.972.550 km which is 761.610 sq mi. It is the most populous Spanish-speaking country

1421 words ()
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