The reforestation of our Planet is an immediate necessity

Autumn Forest image Jeff Klugiewicz
Mother Earth needs more trees
Some time ago I wrote about the immense effort by India and Pakistan to plant millions of trees to combat Climate Change. This is an example to follow by all countries in the world.
Recently a beautiful story came to my attention. It is beautiful because the protagonist was, at that time, a 9-year-old German boy. His name is Felix Finkbeiner.
It is the year 2007 when Felix was working on a study for his class when he read the story of Wangari Maathai, a woman who lived in Kenia.
Wangari Maathai
She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy, and peace. She was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (2004.) She was the first female scholar from East and Central Africa to take a doctorate (in biology) and also the first female professor in Kenya.
In 1977 she started a grassroots movement, trying to counter the effects of deforestation. She encouraged women to plant trees and start thinking ecologically. This movement spread to many other African countries. This movement resulted in the planting of 30 million trees. She has died, but her great work lives on.

Waterfall Tumpaksewu in Java/Indonesia image Iqbal Anwar
Felix, inspired by this story, had a vision
Considering that a tree absorbs 10 kg of CO2 each year if all children could plant 1 million trees in all the countries in the world, the carbon removal could compensate for the CO2 emissions. Felix’s teacher was very impressed and had him repeat his speech in front of other students and the director of the school.
At the end of his speech, Felix pledged to plant 1 million trees in Germany, and a movement was born. 2 Months later Felix planted his first tree near the entrance to his school, it was a Crap Apple tree.
Trees clean the atmosphere
The Minister of Environment in Germany at that time, and also director of PNUMA, the Environmental program of the United Nations, became the sponsor of Felix. At 10 years old, Felix became the youngest member of the PNUMA. They invited him to speak at important meetings on Climate Change and even spoke at the European Parliament.
The creation of academies worldwide
Felix created academies Planting for the Planet in Germany and many other countries worldwide. Events started taking place, organized by and for children. They became ambassadors, transmitting their knowledge on Climate Change, and animating other children to do the same. They were being asked to take social responsibility and shape their future.
In 2009, in South Korea, the PNUMA held its first child and youth conference. 800 Children signed a declaration for the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen. When Felix asked who wanted to plant a million trees, within a few minutes hundreds of children from 56 different nations responded.
They planted a million trees
In 2010 the last of the million trees was planted in Germany. One year later Felix held a speech in front of the United Nations and was handed the organization of the campaign 1000 Million Trees, a project of the UN.
A New York Times bestseller
If a book sells 2 million copies worldwide, it must be something special. This book is special indeed as it takes you on a journey deep into the forest so you can discover the unknown and exciting life of trees.
Have you ever asked yourself this question? Could it be that trees form a social network? The word social network is especially known by the younger generations, but could one use it for trees? Well, it seems it is a fitting name for trees too.
Parents living with their children, talking to them and supporting them while they grow up. Trees even warn each other of impending danger. Who would have thought that? The next time you take a stroll through the woods, you will probably see this experience with fresh eyes.
Our planet loses 10.000 million trees each year
Nowadays some 63,000 children of the age of 9 to 12 years are affiliated with the organization of Felix Finkbeiner. All together they are fighting for Climatic Justice. This group ordered a study to be done to test the total amount of trees existing in the world. The estimate came up with 3 billion trees–7 times more than previously assumed
They published this study in Nature in 2015. Another important piece of data that came to light was that when agriculture started some 12,000 years ago, there were about twice as many trees then.
Each year our Planet loses some 10,000 million trees. That is why the number of 1000 million trees will not be enough. The new idea is now to plant at least 1 billion new trees by the year 2020. With efforts like this, there will be a considerable reduction of CO2 emissions.
For such a young boy to have this far-reaching vision is indeed inspiring for us all.
In the following video, you can hear the speech of Felix.
We are writing the year 2020 and it has been and still is an unusual year. The world is struggling with the consequences of the coronavirus and we have less attention for the environment. The huge fires last year in Australia and the Amazon Rainforest to be repeated this year have caused an immense loss of trees. The same as the enormous fires in the past in Russia and in 2020 in the U.S.
While the world population is coping with the side effects of COVID-19 Mother Earth has her own problems. The total is looking rather grim. We need trees for pure air. Plant a tree, at least once in your life. More often would be better.
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Source: Share International –
Photo Source: Pixabay
The Amazon Rainforest is of utmost importance for our world. Perhaps you like to read the following post as well.
After reading this article, I’m ashamed of myself.
When I was 9 years old, I was still focusing on studies and grades, and yet Felix is already inspiring other children!
I wish him all the best in his future endevours and hope that the world will become more green in the future. Of course, I will support in my own way by cutting down the usage of electricity and opting for recyclable materials and items.
Good Morning Rachel,
I really do not think you need to be ashamed of anything. The possibility of doing good will be put on our path being young or older. Look at me I am already 67 and now I am writing about this. Of course it is so inspiring to read about a young human being who shows us the way. These type of actions give me back my faith in the human race, it is possible to do constructive and positive things instead of destroying everything, something we humans are so good at. Thank you for reading my post.
Regards, Taetske
Wow that is a really inspiring story! It’s also amazing to see how Felix managed to inspire so many other children to join his movement and actively engage.
Children are the future of this planet and if someone like Felix can inspire so many other children there might still be hope for the future of this planet 🙂
Good evening Nic,
Thank you for your visit and commenting on the story about Felix. I am also very impressed how this very young human being can have such a positive world view and at such a young age has had such a big impact on the future of our planet. I hope a lot of people will follow his example and perhaps like that change life for the future generations.
Regards, Taetske
Wow what a great post. It was truly inspiring to read about how some people and at least a couple of countries are trying to repair some of the damage that humans have done as a species to our planet. And what a great way to portray such events through they eyes and experiences of a young kid as he gets older. Thanks for the great share.
Good afternoon Kenny,
Thank you for your comment. Nice to see you again.
I found this story really inspiring as it shows no matter what your age is you can make the world a better place. It is nice for once to be able to write about something so positive.
Regards, Taetske
Thanks for this story. Just goes to show that change can come from the smallest and most unlikely place. While I recognize the need for wood products, I also think it is important to replace that which we take. I am a Conservative and a Christian, but I recognize the importance of conservation. In fact, I believe the Bible talks about God putting us in charge of the earth…to use it, but also to take care of it. Thanks again!
Good afternoon Steve.
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I agree with you. We were given this place as our home and we have the responsibility to take good care of our planet. It is not only the home for all the people worldwide but it will be hopefully also the home for future generations.
Regards, Taetske
Wow this was an inspiring article. Very good insights on what is going on with our environment around us. Felix is an inspirational young man with goals of saving the environment.
Deforestation is a big issue throughout the world. We have to start doing positive things that counter act against deforestation and the threats to our environment.
Thank you for this, your article was very insightful.
Good afternoon JD,
Good to hear you liked my article. This young boy is an inspiration for us all. If such a young person can make a positive change in the world, we can too.
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Regards, Taetske
Deforestation is a major in our society today. How are we going to keep our trees and how are we going to keep our natural environment so that it can continue to be ever green. I’m very impressed with great efforts of Felix the young boy that stood up and makes he plants one million trees. If each of us can see the need to protect our trees it will be good. Man should stop been selfish by cutting away the trees just to make money.
Good Morning Tsquare, is that your name?
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Felix is an impressive young boy and an example for all of us. I also hope the human race will realize that we need the trees for good air and also as habitat for many species.
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske. This is amazing and I’m glad to read Reforestation, Amazing Vision of a Young Boy. Just like Wangari Maathai, Felix is such a courageous and brave personality, a valiant for that matter. CO2 needs to be cleared up from our environment and the idea of trees planting will help alot to actualize this.
Let’s go; we can plant the 1 billion trees!
Good Morning Barry,
Nice to see you again. Thank you for leaving a comment.
Living on a farm I have always planted trees. Now I have become conscious of the fact it is good for our environment. Each person should at least pant 1 tree in his or her life.
Regards, Taetske
Such an inspirational story! The increase in carbon dioxide emissions into the environment is a global problem and seeing how a 9 year old Frank is using his influence for such a movement is something that has left me with a lot to think about. Irrespective of your age or where you come from, this article has taught me to be an object of change in any situation.
Whiles I’m not proud of my contribution to afforestation, I hope starting to implement something in my own small way is not too late. Together, the earth can be made green. Thanks for this interesting post.
Good Morning Derr,
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If we would all make some changes in our daily lives it would already make an impact. Just think about going shopping with your own bag instead of getting plastic bags in the supper market. At home be really conscious about how to divide waste does also help. Tell the bar where you have a drink to skip the plastic straw.
Regards, Taetske
The world needs more young boys like Felix, I fully concur that the world needs more trees to help reforestation. 1 million trees is a great goal in 1 Country. Something I have done, is to always plant at least 1 tree, everywhere I have lived (& that is quite a lot of places!) 1 million trees planted in Germany is a great success story, I would like to see this policy being replicated in all Western Countries but to also encourage underdeveloped Countries to do the same. Did you know that a micro climate of more rain developed in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, due to more trees being planted there in the 80s and 90´s ?
Good Morning Trevor,
When I bought the 150-year-old ruin in 1981, my adventure in the south of Spain started. Over the years I planted many trees and others were saved being baby trees. I put them in flower pots and most of the time it functions. Some years later, I plant them on the property. By now it is kind of full here, so I give them to other people. I enjoy the different colors, flowers and shade they give.
Yes, I know about those projects and wrote a post on similar ones. Here is the link.
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Regards, Taetske
Hello, what a beautiful story and your article comes with a big message to us. You are right. We all need to do our part to protect our mother earth planet. And your article has a strong encouragement message on it. If a little boy one day took action and started this movement to plant one million trees, everyone of us can do it, if we take action and do things with heart.
Thank you for sharing this worderful article
Good Morning Alketa,
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If we all contribute with doing our bit, this world would be a different place, that is for sure. Perhaps you like to take a look at Save the Planet, the green widget in the sidebar. The project of bUnited might resonate with you.
Regards, Taetske
Laura Fuller
Taestke, This story is such an inspiration. I love to hear our younger generation so active and doing things to improve our world. He is on fire and that kind of fire is contagious as we can see by his followers. Just think if everyone in the world would plant just one tree we could save our world.
Good Morning Laura,
Nice to see you. Your comment is appreciated. I hope you downloaded the free PDF of your choice? Tulip widget.
I would like to invite you to have a look at the green widget Save the Planet. Being a member which does not cost you any money, helps the environment. bUnited is a world wide movement that is growing each day and helps with saving the Amazon Rainforest and other important world issues like pollution etc.
Here on my farm I have planted many trees and now am enjoying the shade they provide in the hot summers.
Regards, Taetske